• Benign Tumors

    A tumor is a structure formed by abnormal cell growth. The word “benign”, when used to describe a tumor, identifies a growth that does not divide without control or order, does invade into surrounding structures, and does not metastasize (spread) to other locations throughout the body.

    Risk Factors

    Most tumors develop in the absence of any known risk factors. The following factors may lead to tumor development:

    • Radiation Exposure
    • Hazardous Chemical Exposure
    • Inherited Disorders: Certain genetic disorders may inhibit the body’s ability to suppress neoplastic cell growth.
    • Race / Ethnicity: Depending on your race or ethnicity, you may be more likely to develop certain tumors.


    Benign tumors are rarely fatal. If the location or size of a tumor is causing harm to surrounding tissues, they will be surgical excised. Once removed, benign tumors rarely recur.


    Treatment depends on the location, size and classification of tumor. Physicians might use normal surgical procedures to removal the mass or masses. A variety of procedures, such as nuclear medicine and chemotherapy, may also be used to treat benign tumors. If a tumor does not endanger the health of the patient, then the growth may be left untreated.