• The Psycho-oncology Clinic within the Psychiatry Ambulatory Service is available to you if you are being treated for cancer. Common symptoms that may develop during cancer treatment include fatigue, anxiety and depressed mood. Relationship difficulties and problems with substance use may also arise. Counseling and, in some cases, medication may help. Beginning with a consultation to assess psychiatric needs, psychiatrists can recommend, prescribe and monitor medicines, as needed, over time. In addition, one of our psychiatrists, Dr. Whittmann, is also trained in child psychiatry. If you are a parent diagnosed with cancer, she can speak with you about how best to support your children so they understand about your diagnosis and treatment in a way that is most helpful to them. The Psycho-Oncology Clinic works closely with oncology teams and with therapists, both within Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and in the community, to ensure that your care is well-coordinated.