• Myosarcoma

    Myosarcoma is categorized as one of the four major types of cancer and is defined as a sarcoma or cancer of the muscle tissue; it is a malignant tumor derived from myogenic cells.

    Myosarcoma can occur in the prostate and bladder, and the small and large intestines.

    Sarcomas are generally associated with, but not limited to blood vessels, muscles, connective tissue, cartilage and fat. Sarcomas result in mesoderm proliferation, or in laymen’s terms, rapid and excessive growth the middle layer of the skin from which the blood vessels, muscles, bone and connective tissue are developed in the embryonic stage. Very little information can be found on myosarcomas, but sarcomas are similar and attach themselves to the same organs and parts of the body as myosarcomas.

    Based on the types of tissue the sarcoma comes from, sarcomas can have varying names. For example, osteosarcoma arises from bone and leiomyosarcoma arises from the smooth muscle of the body.

    Risk Factors

    Exposure to radiation, certain chemicals and a family history of certain diseases can heighten an individual’s risk of developing a sarcoma. Although the cause of the appearance of sarcomas is relatively unknown, researchers have found evidence to support the theory that vinyl chloride, arsenic and the herbicides in wood preservatives and phenoxyacetic acids. Patients who have gone through chemotherapy also run the risk of developing soft tissue sarcomas, due the amount of radiation used.


    According to comprehensive US statistics, in a given time span of five years:

    90 percent of patients with stage 1 sarcomas will outlive the five-year timeline
    75 percent of stage 2 patients will outlive the five-year timeline
    50 percent of stage 3 patients will outlive the five-year timeline

    With the advancements in treatment technologies and the breadth of health knowledge available to the public, the current chances of surviving cancers are rising.


    The prevention of any illness first starts with good housekeeping; knowing what your risk factors are, modifying smoking habits and diet and finally, undergoing regular screenings.

    Signs and Symptoms

    When gone untreated, patients with myosarcomas can display the following symptoms; a lump or a mass at the location of the growth, as well as pain or swelling in very rare cases. Certain visible changes in ones body should always be reported directly to a physician in order to make a proper diagnosis.

    Diagnosis and Staging

    Sarcomas are assigned grades of either “high” or “low.” A number of procedures can be utilized to confirm a diagnosis:

    • X-Rays create an image of the inside of the body. This may allow a physician to detect a tumor.
    • Computed tomography is much like an X-Ray, but takes cross-sectioned pictures of the body and can determine whether or not a tumor has spread to the lungs or abdomen. CAT scans are used to determine is a tumor needs to be surgically removed.
    • MRI or magnetic resonance imaging involves a magnet and a computer that is linked to one another and can be used to both initially diagnose a patient and monitor a patient after diagnosis.

    There is also chromosomal testing that can be performed to verify malignant growths.
    A biopsy, which is the removal of tissue and/or cells, is the only 100% effective way to determine a cancerous presence. The cell / tissue sample sample is examined under a microscope by a pathologist.


    Like most cancers, sarcomas can be treated with radiation, but a more optimal approach would be chemotherapy; surgery is also used to remove cancerous growth. Patients should consider enrolling in clinical trials, by which new treatments may be available.