Profile picture of swarheely


is 37 years old

lives in Fanwood, New Jersey

My Experience with Cancer

I had (ALL) leukemia. Diagnosed in May 2002, finished treatment August 2005, now past my 5 year off chemo mark, it’s awesome.


my job is my hobby kind of haha, it’s always fun to me so i don’t consider filming and editing bands and other filmworks to be a job haha. i love music, i sing, and am learning guitar and continuing to try to better myself at piano. i had a band with three family members, it’s now become an acoustic rock duo between myself and my lifelong best friend. We write songs about being a kid, growing up, love, loss, cancer, and survival… check us


Listen to and love tons of music, it’s pretty much my life.


Love a lot of movies.

My Kind of People

awesome ones? yeah that works.

Reason for Being Here

Know Cancer contacted me through my twitter… and mentioned i should make a profile, i thought it would be something cool to do, meet other survivors, provide advice or good thoughts to anyone. i’m an optimist, at least i try to be the majority of the time haha. soo… yeah. here i am haha

Words of Wisdom

No matter how bad things seem to get, it only gets better from here.

Know Me

Honestly, follow and fan my band Backyard Heroes and you’ll get to know me just fine.