is 49 years old
lives in Skiatook, Oklahoma
Was diagnosed with stage 3 Hogdkin’s Lymphoma in November of 2006, mostly located in lymph nodes in my neck, chest, and stomach. Went through six months of chemo, fought mostly with a terrible case of nueropathy. Was told I was clear in July 2007. Still get nervous going back for test, first checkup a different Dr. said it was back and I needed more chemo and radiation. Waited for my Dr. to get back and check and it was all good. Have had to go through several procedures just to check things that they have seen on PET scans, everything comes back negative!! May 2009 was first checkup that nothing had changed and I was cleared to come back in 6 months instead of every 3. Thank GOD!!
I love summer, taking the boat out, going camping, and even mowing the yard. My wife thinks I’m OCD when it comes to mowing. Want everything to look like a pro baseball field. I can’t help it : ) Love hanging out with my family and friends, and I can’t wait until football season starts again.
The ones my wife reads out loud before we go to sleep. I love listening to her!
Partial to Country, but I listen to anything.
Not really into any certain type, I’ll watch whatever my wife or son want to watch. There are a lot of good ones we’ve seen. Going to take my wife out for a date on June 26th to see “My sister’s keeper”, she is wanting to see that.
I love my family and we have great friends that we call family.
My wife is honestly my only reason for being here, or alive for that matter. She is my angel and the reason I never gave up, or ever will.
Never give up. Good to go.
Easy going, quiet, friendly, love to laugh and have fun. Married to the most amazing woman ever and have two great sons who keep us plenty busy.