Profile picture of pennmar14


lives in McKinney, Texas

My Experience with Cancer

Diagnosed Stage II Atypical Amelanotic Nodular Melanoma in 2005. Nodular Melanoma is the most agressive and invasive form of melanoma. I also have Dysplastic Nevus syndrome, or Multiple Mole syndrome. My ended his battle with Melanoma in early 2004. Family history of Melanoma combined with the dysplastic nevus syndrome increases my chances of developing melanoma again in the future.


Reading, crossword puzzles, swimming.


Murder Mysteries, science fiction.


I love to play my flute. I love to listen to alternative rock, with my favorite band being Blue October.


Drama, Science fiction, comedy. I don’t have any specific favorites

My Kind of People

I love to meet new people. My kind of people are those with a open heart and an open mind.

Reason for Being Here

Learn, Support, be supported, meet new people.



Know Me

I am a single mom of 2 beautiful girls.