Profile picture of katiegirl


lives in south harwich, Massachusetts

My Experience with Cancer

The day she was diagnosed she immeidaitly got 5 pints of blood. the next day she had chemo for 5 straight days It ended up that she had AML Her hair started to fall out. By the way her hair was down to her butt. Her and I went to the Dana Farber Boutique 3 different times. On the fourth day we both cried as she made the decision to have her hair shaved off. Her bald head was so beautiful.The doctors told us she was going to need 4 roynds of very heavy cheme and then 5 days of radation.That meant never having a baby. Her and her boyfriend were crushed. They were to be married this summer. After getting all her treatments done it came time to tell us she neened a bone marrow to have a chance. Needless to say none of us matched.Within 2 weeks we had a 100% donor. She recieved her new bone marrow on January 18 of 08 and passed away on May 27 of 09.


Katie loved spending time with her neice Kali, going swimming, going to the movies,and most recently she was preparing for her drivers license. She was so overjoyed to finally have her freedom.


she loved Steven King books


She loved all the hip hop and wrap AKON FLO-RIDA EMNEM fergie lady gugu and many more.


She watched any and all scary movies

My Kind of People

She loved happy go lucky people that had a little bit of a wild side.

Reason for Being Here

Katie was so full if life and love. She was always the life of the party.

Words of Wisdom

Katie put u a valiant fight all the way to the end.She once said cancer may kill me but in time we will kill canaer so live every day like its tour last.

Know Me

i am actually KATIES voice because she just pased away. Katie was such a beautiful girl both inside and out She used yo be a model growing up and she always doted on me . On her death bed I was crying and she actually said dont cry isnt that what fergie says so she said mom iI am dedicating Big girls dont cry so please dont cry over me anymore. I try really hard to honor her last wish.