Profile picture of KateSears


is 37 years old

lives in Del City, Oklahoma

My Experience with Cancer

my husband has Muir-Torre Syndrome. Skin cancers, colon and other internal cancers.


Riding my bike, reading, taking walks, enjoying beauty wherever it is


All of them!


Folk, bluegrass, classical


Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Under the Tuscan Sun

My Kind of People

Genuine and kind.

Reason for Being Here

To learn more about cancer, and to find support from people who have supported others through cancer. This is my first experience and I am confused and trying to be as strong as I can.

Know Me

I am a proud wife of 26 year air force veteran who was just diagnosed with cancer. I have had my share of struggle healing from rape the past through years, and now I am trying to find a way to be strong for him in his battle.