is 47 years old
lives in Seattle, Washington
reading, psychology, seattle, coffee, dancing
bell hooks, maya angelou, the prophet, the alchemist, poems by mary oliver,
notting hill.
lovers of life and of people.
Joining the fight.
INVITATIONOh do you have timeto lingerfor just a little whileout of your busyand very important dayfor the goldfinchesthat have gatheredin a field of thistlesfor a musical battle,to see who can singthe highest note,or the lowest,or the most expressive of mirth,or the most tender?Their strong, blunt beaksdrink the airas they strivemelodiouslynot for your sakeand not for mineand not for the sake of winningbut for sheer delight and gratitude—believe us, they say,it is a serious thingjust to be aliveon this fresh morningin the broken world.I beg of you,do not walk bywithout pausingto attend to thisrather ridiculous performance.It could mean something.It could mean everything.It could be what Rilke meant, when he wrote:You must change your life.- MARY OLIVER –
My big sister and her oldest son have been fighting cancer. I have walked by my sister and love her to death as she fights her breast cancer. My nephew is superboy, fighting Leukemia like a champ.I’m working on living a life that will equip my body to prevent or fight cancer. I’ll be ready for it, it should get ready for me to beat its face in!