Profile picture of Jared21


is 44 years old

lives in Auckland, Hawaii

My Experience with Cancer

Adenocarcinoma of the large bowel. T3N2M1 at diagnosis. I presented last November to the hospital with a bowel obstruction, only to find out it was due to a tumour in the hepatic flexure, with a small metastasis in the omentum. 13 out of 52 removed lymph nodes tested positive.



Know Me

I’m a 28 year old medical student who has only one more year of study left before graduating. I Live in Auckland, New Zealand, and am married to my beautiful wife, who is a paediatrician in training. I am a follower of Christ, and my faith is incredibly important in shaping how I view the world, and the goals and dreams I have for my life, and the lives of others.

You can keep up with how I am going at