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My Experience with Cancer

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I love to shop! I also love to scrapbook!


The Secret


Anything by Coldplay, Gospel


13 Going on 30, My Best Friend’s Wedding, 27 Dresses, Sex in the City, The Wedding Date

Reason for Being Here

I want to connect with other patients, survivors.

Know Me

I am 36 years old, married to the love of my life, & mother of a very rambunctious 3 year old girl. I was diagnosed in May 2008 with breast cancer. I’ve had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy, lymph nodes removed, chemotherapy, & radiation. Life after cancer is never the same, but you try your hardest to make it. Before cancer, I was very into my career, very driven, very focused. I had many goals in my life & one of them included being successful. After cancer, I realize that life is too short to be overwhelmed by the many situations that occur daily. That life is all about me & my family & the moments & memories that I want to make with them. I don’t worry about tomorrow anymore…I live for today because it is today that matters.