Profile picture of harley


is 63 years old

lives in worth, Illinois

My Experience with Cancer

I know that there are some great side effects that are associated with having cancer… I watched both my grandparents going thru it, which was very tramatic on their part and yes painful…I have meant some very positive people along the way that are survivors


Reading, hanging out with my husband or kids, bike riding and showing people how to eat better


Nutrition and non fiction books


Rock n Roll or oldies


My favorit movie is Love Story…

My Kind of People

people that aren’t rude or into themselves

Reason for Being Here

wanting to help people and god directed me here

Words of Wisdom

to live each day to the fullest and don’t look back just remember what you did wrong and correct it to start over. Don’t be afaid to admit you have faults. Cause believe it or not we all do. Some more than others… Oh yeah, smile and have fun!!!



Know Me

I am not a cancer survivor, however I just recently became certified in Oncology Massage and look forward to massaging any cancer survivor or patient… I am truly grateful for the little things in life that we all take for granted and never stop long enough to smell the roses.