is 68 years old
lives in Riverside, California
Is to be good some days and bad some days. But I focus on the good days all the time
I love to read, write, play on the computer and I really enjoy the company of the smiles on other peoples faces. When I see that you are happy than I am happy.
I have so many books that I like to read. I can not just name one or two.
I enjoy all kinds of music. I like to change up to what my mood is in.
I enjoy funny movies and movies that sometimes make you cry.
People that put a smile on your face is the kind of people that I really like to meet.
I would like to meet and talk to people that I have been going though this c thing.
You might have cancer but cancer does not have you. Live each day with a smile on your face and the day will go by fast and fun.
Is to know that is everyday is going to be a good day for me and everybody else.