Profile picture of bucklax22


is 43 years old

lives in oviedo, Florida

My Experience with Cancer

I had Hodgkins Lymphoma.


running, lacrosse, playing other sports and hanging with my friends


everything i love the Dave Matthews Band

Reason for Being Here

to help other people though the tuff times and to support in anyway that I can

Know Me

I found out on 6/6/2006 that I had cancer but I am happy to let everyone know that I have beat cancer and I am healthy and back to my normal self I think I just want to say thank you to all my friends for being there for me though this tough time in my life I love you all. I live in Oviedo. I work for Pepsi Cola. I went to Lake Howell High School. If You Would Like To Chat My Messeager Screen Name Are: Yahoo- bucklax22, AIM- bucklax22, Instant Messenger Some Time