Profile picture of bubbles1952


is 72 years old

lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana

My Experience with Cancer

I have several friends who have had breast cancer… one is a over five year survivor and the other friend now has cancer of the lungs and liver… the cancer came back in different areas…which is terminal… some years ago whilst my husband and I, was living in California, the doctors thought that I had breast cancer.. I waited for almost a month, MRIs CTscans, and biopsy showed that I did have a lump, but when they had operated it was only a fibrous cyst and not cancer… the doctors took out the cyst in case it did turn cancerous. Whew, I was surely a scared wee puppy for a month… I do understand the feeling and the reaction when someone discovers a lump and was quite relived when I found out that it wasn’t.


Write, cook, collect angels, Native American figurines.



Know Me

I am a Gospel Lyrics Writer, been one for over 11 years. I have three songs being worked on right now. Two being worked on in Nashville, TN and another being done by Styx, the rock’n’roll band. Before 1998, I was writing poetry for a number of years.. always loved Gospel, Country Music and Soft and Classical Rock… before that, loved the Classical music (this was before I discovered rock’in’roll when I was 10 years old.)