Profile picture of BeverlyHillsCancerCenter


Reason for Being Here

To Help and Heal

Know Me

Welcome to Beverly Hills Cancer Center
Cancer has many faces. Our mission is to care for every one of them.

We know that being diagnosed with cancer can bring up a host of concerns and you may be feeling overwhelmed. At Beverly Hills Cancer Center, we understand. That’s why your comfort and care are most important to the physicians and staff here at Beverly Hills Cancer Center. We are committed to providing compassionate cancer care, high-quality state of the art treatment and dedicated clinical research while comforting your body, mind and soul in a healing and supportive environment.
Centralized integrative services in one convenient location:
Spacious, beautiful chemotherapy center with personal entertainment and private rooms State of the art diagnostic imaging with MRI, CT, PET/CT, bone scan Innovative radiation oncology center with IMRT, IGRT and SBRT for the highest precision On-site diagnostic lab Integrative medicine & wellness services.

To schedule an appointment, please call Beverly Hills Cancer Center in Beverly Hills, California at (800) TO-HEALTH or (310) 432-8900