lives in Illinois
I’m a daughter of a cancer fighter. My dad has had cancer for the last 3 years. He was diagnosed my freshman year of high school. He has colon cancer and had surgery to remove it on Saint Patricks day of my freshman year. He was told he was in remission the middle of my sophomore year. In august of 2011(begining of junior year) though they found strange objects in his lungs and they ended up being cancerous! I’m now a Senior and were battling through all the treatment to get back to remission!
-GSA club
-giving advice
-helping others
– working with children
-She loves me, She loves me not
-I love you, I miss you, I killed you
-80s rock
-Christian Roc
-letters to god
-To Save a life
Honestly, almost anyone!
Emotional Issues
Feeling Alone
-there’s always hope, even if you can’t see it, someone else does.
-lifes like a novel with the end ripped out
-no one can ever be happy for a long period of time. You’re always searching for it, even after you find it you’re searching for something that will make you more happy!
-even if you feel no one loves you, you should always love yourself
Rock and Roll
I’m just a girl who used to be quite, but now I can’t even keep my mouth shut. I feel like I can conquer the world and do all the impossibles. I want to save peoples lives, make everyone happy. I always challenge myself to my breaking point. My life without pressure and stress wouldn’t be much of a life. I take care of my younger brother, and make sure my older brother stays in line! I’ve been beat up and torn down but at the end of the day I feel I’m on top!