is 44 years old
It started with CML….after a year and half of trying different medicines and one finally workin we couldnt find any phildephia chromosones in my blood I was partly in remission my blood counts just wouldnt go back to normal! They did another bone marrow biopsy a month ago and was told last week that there is an 80% chance that my CML has manifested itself into ALL! I have to have another biopsy done if positive I guess im in for another fight!
I Really Wouldnt Say I Have Any! I Like Taking Pictures I Guess That Could Be A Hobby!
My All Time Favortie Book I Would Have To Say Is My Sisters Keeper! What A Good Book Cant Wait For The Movie!
I Listen To A Little Bit Of Everything Mostly R&b But Im Not Really Picky!
I Dont Really Watch Movies All That Much! But When I Do I Usually Watch Movies By Tyler Perry Always A Good Laugh!
I Like Positive People! I Dont Like People Who Are Gonna Stress Me Out! I Need To Be Around People Who Are Gonna Make Me Feel Good About Myself And Support Me!
To Meet Other People Going Through The Same Struggles I Am! Most People Just Dont Get What Cancer Patients Have To Go Through On A Daily Basis!
Live Life To The Fullest….
My Name Is Amber And Im 29. I Am A Single Mother To A 10 yo Boy Who Means The World To Me… Hes The Main Reason Why I Have Fought As Hard As I Have. He ALWAYS Comes First In My Life! Cancer Has Also Taken My Great Grandmother (Breast n Brain)…My Grandmother (Breast) And My Dad (Started In Lungs Spread To His Brain & Lymph Nodes)! My Grandmothers Fought Breast Cancer Twice Each Before It Took Thier Lives…They Were Fighters n I Think Thats Why Im So Strong Too!