• I am a medical massage therapist, and I am committed to the community. After serving as a therapist for 10 years and continuing resurch, along with several articals this is what I have found.

    Breast cancer can be prevented along with colon cancer and reproductive problems can be helped with proper massage.
    Massage can provide proper circulation along with lyphatic draiage.
    They claim breast cancer is so epedemic in this country is because many women buy bras that are ill fitting. This reduces circulation causing the tissue to suffer allowing the cancer to grow. With this restriction the lymphatic system can not drain properly. Ever notice a person with cancer also has to have several lymphnodes removed as well? The lymphnode are a major part of your body to help fight off illneses, so you stay healthy.
    ciculation and lymphatic drainage is the key to prevention.

    If you already have cancer it might be put in remission with proper diet and massage, my 20 year study is not complete.