• Healthy Living

    Whether you are preventing, fighting or surviving cancer, making even the smallest lifestyle changes can help you live cancer-free. There’s much more to healthy living than medication and weight control. In fact, placing too much emphasis on taking medicine and losing weight can cause us to forget about the other equally important aspects of our health.

    Living healthy is about taking many, small steps. Add some fruit to your morning bowl of cereal, meditate or pray for a few minutes before work, drink a glass of water instead of a can of soda, pick up an inspirational book… these are just a few examples of small steps that you can take to start living healthy.

    Radical lifestyle adjustments rarely address the entire self. Certain Paleolithic Diets, namely the Atkin’s Diet, exemplify a radical lifestyle change that may support one health factor, while neglecting or even worsening other health factors. Thusly, a balanced diet in conjunction with regular physical and mental exercise is at the core of good health. Health is balance.

    At Know Cancer, we believe that healthy living must address the entire self: the physical self, the mental self, and the spiritual self. Medicine alone cannot satisfy the needs of the body, mind, and spirit. By combining knowledge and wisdom with treatment (medical and holistic), we can all walk a healthy life-path.

    It’s amazing how far we’ve come in understanding how to live healthy. Today, many restaurants offer low-carb and vegetarian menu options; grocers carry a wide array of organic and locally-grown foods; and most communities have studio environments designed for the practice of yoga, palates, and other mind-body disciplines.

    Health awareness and proactive living are fairly new concepts within our society. We must continue to nurture them in order to cure any, and hopefully every disease.

    preventing cancer

    Knowledge and the momentum of positive thinking are the core principles of cancer prevention. A healthy, cancer-free life is rooted in the awareness of how you treat your mind and body.

    …learn more about Preventing Cancer

    fighting cancer

    With the wide range of drugs and alternative therapies available, it can be difficult to identify the best way to treat your cancer. Finding a good team of doctors and maintaining a positive outlook are the two most important factors in the fight against cancer.

    Less conventional cancer-healing approaches are also widely available. These approaches, implemented alongside modern medicine, may help boost energy, vitality and overall health. Mental and physical exercise, and certain focused diets have proven themselves as effective cancer-fighting therapies.

    …learn more about Fighting Cancer

    surviving cancer

    Over the last 20 years, cancer has become progressively more curable. Today, certain types of cancer have a 70% survival rate in adults. With survival increasing, a wide variety of medical and social programs are available to help ex-patients get back to leading regular, healthy lives after closing that final chapter of treatment.

    Survivors face unique physical and psychological challenges when they readjust to “normalcy”.  The following measures may help support a healthy, happy, and fruitful life:

    • Maintain a positive mental and emotional outlook, no matter how dismal and negative the circumstance.
    • Treat your body like the wonderful gift that it is. Your body is the vessel in which you will experience this life. Nurture it. Respect it.
    • Utilize social support from professionals and loved ones.

    …learn more about Surviving Cancer