• The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the organization of insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the 5 U.S. territories. A state insurance regulator's primary responsibilities are to educate the public about insurance and protect the interests of insurance consumers, and the NAIC helps regulators fulfill that obligation. NAIC assists people who do not have insurance and also fields insurance complaints. NAIC has a Consumer Information Source (CIS) tool on its Web site that provides information on insurance companies that you can review before purchasing insurance. You can obtain information such as closed insurance complaints, licensing information, and key financial data. The Internet address for the CIS tool is listed in the Additional Resources section. Through its award-winning Insure U consumer-education program, the NAIC helps consumers evaluate their options and get smart about insurance. The Insure U Web site provides basic information on the major types of insurance: life, health, auto, and homeowners/renter’s insurance.