Cruciferous Vegetable Intake and Histone Status in Screening Colonoscopy Patients
Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria:
- scheduled for screening colonoscopy
- off NSAID or aspirin therapy in accordance with OHSU endoscopy clinic guidelines
- INR 0.90-1.20
- hemoglobin ≥ 13.5 (men) or 12.0 (women)
- platelets ≥100,000/μL
- Chem screen results within normal limits
- negative (serum or urine) pregnancy test done ≤7 days prior to colonoscopy for women
of childbearing potential only
- ASA performance status <2
Exclusion criteria:
- history of colon cancer or adenomatous polyps
- current smoker
- medical history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- current oral steroid therapy
- current therapy with valproate or other pharmacological drugs associated with HDAC
- use of oral antibiotics within 3 months prior to entry into study
- significant active medical illness which in the opinion of the investigator would
preclude collection/interpretation of colon tissue
- diagnosis of hemophilia, van Willebrand's disease or other bleeding disorder
- use of warfarin or other blood thinning agents
- inflammatory bowel disease.