A Phase III Randomized Trial of Metformin Versus Placebo on Recurrence and Survival in Early Stage Breast Cancer

Phase 3
18 Years
74 Years
Open (Enrolling)
Breast Cancer

Thank you

Trial Information

A Phase III Randomized Trial of Metformin Versus Placebo on Recurrence and Survival in Early Stage Breast Cancer



- To compare invasive disease-free survival of patients with early-stage breast cancer
treated with metformin vs placebo in addition to standard adjuvant therapy.


- To compare overall survival of these patients.

- To compare distant disease-free survival of these patients.

- To compare breast cancer-free interval in these patients.

- To compare invasive disease-free survival of patients who are hormone receptor-negative
(both estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor).

- To compare changes in body mass index in these patients.

- To compare adverse events in these patients.

- To compare other medical endpoints, including a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus or
cardiovascular hospitalization (including an emergency room visit or overnight stay) or
death (stroke or myocardial infarction), in these patients.

- To compare health-related quality of life measured using the EORTC QLQ-C30
(supplemented by a trial-specific checklist), the Block Alive Screener, and physical
activity items from the Nurses Health Study Questionnaire II on a subset of these

- To compare embedded correlative science outcomes including plasma insulin and molecular
markers of metformin action in these patients.

- To compare metabolic parameters including metabolic components of the insulin
resistance syndrome as defined by the ATP III criteria in a subset of these patients.

OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study. Patients are stratified according to hormone-receptor
status (estrogen receptor- and/or progesterone receptor- positive vs both receptors
negative), body mass index (≤ 30 vs > 30 kg/m²), HER2 status (positive vs negative), and
prior chemotherapy (any vs none). Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.

- Arm I: Patients receive oral metformin hydrochloride twice daily (once daily in weeks
1-4). Treatment continues for up to 5 years in the absence of disease progression or
unacceptable toxicity.

- Arm II: Patients receive oral placebo twice daily (once daily in weeks 1-4). Treatment
continues for up to 5 years in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable

Blood and tumor samples are collected periodically for correlative studies.

Patients may complete quality-of-life, physical activity, and diet questionnaires at
baseline and at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 months. (Sub-set of patients).

After completion of study treatment, patients are followed annually.

Inclusion Criteria

Eligibility Criteria:

- Subjects must have histologically confirmed invasive breast cancer and be enrolled in
the trial within 12 months after the first histologic diagnosis of invasive breast
cancer. A core biopsy interpreted as invasive cancer meets this criterion; otherwise,
the date of first histologic diagnosis will be the date of first surgical procedure
that identifies invasive cancer (biopsy, lumpectomy or mastectomy). Neoadjuvant
subjects should have no evidence of clinical T4 disease prior to chemotherapy and
surgery. Bilateral breast carcinoma is allowed provided diagnoses are synchronous -
that is, within 3 months of one another - and at least one of the two breast
carcinomas meet the eligibility criteria and neither violates the eligibility

- All subjects (both adjuvant and neo-adjuvant) must have sentinel lymph node biopsy
and/or axillary lymph node dissection.

Sentinel lymph node biopsy alone is allowed in the following instances:

1. sentinel lymph node biopsy is negative: pN0

2. sentinel lymph node biopsy is positive for isolated tumour cells only: pN0 (i+)

3. * clinically node negative, T1-2 tumours with sentinel lymph node biopsy positive in
≤ 2 lymph nodes without extra-capsular extension or matted nodes and undergoing
breast conserving surgery and tangential whole breast irradiation (* excludes
subjects treated with neo-adjuvant systemic therapy)

Definitive surgery and/or chemotherapy have been completed at least 4 weeks prior to
randomization. Surgical margins must be clear of invasive carcinoma. If there is
microscopic residual ductal in situ disease present at lumpectomy or total mastectomy
margins, further excision is highly recommended. If further excision is not undertaken,
the subject may still be entered on study, provided that in addition to breast or chest
wall irradiation, a boost to the tumour bed is delivered. In situ lobular disease at the
margin is acceptable.

Adjuvant subjects with the following pT pN combinations are eligible:

- pT1c, pN0 AND negative estrogen and progesterone receptors AND HER2 negative OR

- pT2N0 and at least one of the following tumour characteristics: histologic grade 3,
lymphovascular invasion, negative estrogen and progesterone receptors, HER2 positive,
Oncotype Dx recurrence score ≥ 25 (or if Oncotype Dx recurrence score is not
available, Ki67 > 14%) OR

- Subjects with pT3, pN0 OR

- Subjects with pT1-3, pN1-3

The eligibility of neo-adjuvant subjects is assessed on the basis of cTNM. The same
eligible TNM combinations apply.

- HER2 status must be known. (Positive = 3+ over-expression by IHC in > 30% of invasive
tumour cells OR HER2 gene amplification by FISH/CISH > 6 HER2 gene copies per
nucleus, OR a FISH/CISH ratio: HER2 gene copies to chromosome 17 signals of ≥ 2.2.
All other results will be considered negative).

- Patients must have had a bilateral mammogram within 12 months prior to randomization,
unless the initial surgery was a total mastectomy, in which case only a mammogram of
the remaining breast is required. (Subjects with bilateral total mastectomies and no
mammogram within 12 months prior to randomization must, instead, have a physical
examination of the chest wall to ensure there is no residual or recurrent disease at
the time of randomization. The date of this examination is used in place of the
mammogram date on the eligibility checklist.)

- Investigations, including chest X-ray or CT chest, bone scan (with radiographs of
suspicious areas) and abdominal ultrasound or liver scan or CT abdomen have been
performed between the first histologic diagnosis and the time of randomization.

- Chest X-Ray, 2 view (or Chest CT) is mandatory

- Bone scans (with x-rays of abnormal areas) are required only if there are signs
or symptoms of metastatic disease

- Abdominal imaging is required only if there are signs or symptoms of metastatic

- Hematology investigations (WBC, Granulocytes, Platelets, Hemoglobin) have been
completed within 28 days prior to randomization and results are available.

- Biochemistry investigations have been completed within 28 days prior to randomization
and values are within the parameters required by the protocol.

AST < 1.8 X ULN; ALT < 1.8 X ULN; Alkaline Phosphatase < 2 X ULN; Serum Creatinine < 115
μmol/L (1.3mg/dL) Serum Bilirubin < institution ULN (except for subjects with Gilbert's
Disease who are eligible despite elevated serum bilirubin level)

- ECOG Performance Status of 0,1 or 2 (at baseline evaluation visit within 28 days
prior to randomization).

- Age ≥ 18 and < 75 and life expectancy of at least 5 years (18 years of age was used
as a cut-off due to the lack of data indicating that breast cancer is a health issue
in the < 18 years age group and metformin safety in pediatric patients has not been
confirmed. Age > 80 carries increased risk of lactic acidosis and study intervention
is for 5 years).

- Subjects must be accessible for treatment and follow-up. Investigators must assure
themselves the subjects randomized on this trial will be available for complete
documentation of the treatment, adverse events, and follow-up.

- In accordance with NCIC CTG policy, protocol treatment is to begin within 10 working
days of patient randomization.

- Subject consent must be obtained according to local Institutional and/or University
Human Experimentation Committee requirements. It will be the responsibility of the
local participating investigators to obtain the necessary local clearance, and to
indicate in writing to the NCIC CTG Study Coordinator that such clearance has been
obtained, before the trial can commence in that centre. Because of differing
requirements, a standard consent form for the trial will not be provided but a sample
form is given in Appendix XII. A copy of the initial full board REB approval and
approved consent form must be sent to the central office. The patient must sign the
consent form prior to randomization or registration. Please note that the consent
form for this study must contain a statement which gives permission for the NCIC CTG
and monitoring agencies to review patient records (see Section 16 for further

For the first 888 eligible English or French-speaking subjects only (sub-set enrollment
completed 2011NOV04):

- Subject is able (i.e. sufficiently fluent) and willing to complete the Quality of
Life (EORTC QLQ C-30 and Trial Specific Checklist) in English or French. The baseline
assessment must already have been completed at the time of enrollment. Inability
(illiteracy in English or French, loss of sight or other equivalent reason) to
complete questionnaires will not make the patient ineligible for the study; however,
ability but unwillingness to complete the questionnaires will make the patient
ineligible. (Once the target number of 888 subjects is achieved, this criterion will
no longer need to be fulfilled.) [See Appendix VI]. Sub-set enrollment completed

- English-speaking subjects who have completed the Quality of Life Questionnaire who
are able (i.e. sufficiently fluent) and willing to complete Nurses Health Study II
Physical Activity Questionnaire and Block Alive Screener in English. The baseline
assessment must already have been completed at the time of enrollment. Inability
(illiteracy in English, loss of sight or other equivalent reason) to complete
questionnaires will not make the patient ineligible for the study; however, ability
but unwillingness to complete the questionnaires will make the patient ineligible.
(This component of the study will close at the same time as the Quality Of Life
sub-study.) Sub-set enrollment completed 2011NOV04.

Ineligibility Criteria:

- Subjects with a history of other malignancies, except: adequately treated
non-melanoma skin cancer, curatively treated in-situ cancer of the cervix, or other
solid tumours curatively treated with no evidence of disease for ≥ 5 years.

- Subjects with locally recurrent or metastatic breast carcinoma. (Subjects with prior
invasive breast cancer at any time are not eligible. Subjects with prior DCIS only in
either breast are eligible provided the DCIS has been curatively treated including
surgery, radiotherapy and/or Tamoxifen).

- Subjects whose axillary node status is unknown.

- Known diabetes (type 1 or 2) or baseline fasting glucose > 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dL).
(Sampled and assayed according to local institution's procedures.)

- Known hypersensitivity or intolerance to metformin.

- Any condition associated with increased risk of metformin-associated lactic acidosis
(e.g. congestive heart failure defined as New York Heart Association {NYHA} Class III
or IV functional status [see Appendix IX], history of acidosis of any type; habitual
* Currently taking metformin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones or insulin for any

- Current or planned pregnancy or lactation in women of child-bearing potential. Men
should not father a child. (An effective method of birth control should be used while
on study treatment which could include abstinence, IUD, condoms or other barrier
methods of birth control because the safety of metformin in pregnancy or in male
fertility has not been established).

- Concurrent or planned participation in randomized trials of weight loss or exercise
interventions or trials targeting insulin, IGF-1 or their receptors, or involving
P13K inhibitors (at the time of randomization)*.

- These interventions would interfere with the primary endpoint. (Also, in general,
double randomizations in breast cancer trials for MA.32 patients are permitted only
if the patient meets all the eligibility criteria for MA.32 and the sponsor of the
previous trial has no objection to the patient also being enrolled in MA.32).

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Allocation: Randomized, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Double Blind (Subject, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor), Primary Purpose: Treatment

Outcome Measure:

Invasive disease-free survival

Outcome Time Frame:

6 years

Safety Issue:


Principal Investigator

Pamela J. Goodwin, MD

Investigator Role:

Principal Investigator

Investigator Affiliation:

Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto


Canada: Health Canada

Study ID:




Start Date:

July 2010

Completion Date:

December 2016

Related Keywords:

  • Breast Cancer
  • stage I breast cancer
  • stage II breast cancer
  • stage IIIA breast cancer
  • stage IIIC breast cancer
  • male breast cancer
  • estrogen receptor-negative breast cancer
  • HER2-negative breast cancer
  • progesterone receptor-negative breast cancer
  • estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer
  • HER2-positive breast cancer
  • progesterone receptor-positive breast cancer
  • Breast Neoplasms



Akron City Hospital Akron, Ohio  44304
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York  10461
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland  21205
Suburban Hospital Bethesda, Maryland  20814
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Cleveland, Ohio  44195
Roswell Park Cancer Institute Buffalo, New York  14263
Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota  55905
University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi  39216-4505
Washington University School of Medicine Saint Louis, Missouri  63110
Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19111
Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina  29425-0721
University of Washington Medical Center Seattle, Washington  98195-6043
Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island  02903
Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19107
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts  02215
West Michigan Cancer Center Kalamazoo, Michigan  49007-3731
United Hospital St. Paul, Minnesota  55102
Geisinger Medical Center Danville, Pennsylvania  17822-0001
Avera Cancer Institute Sioux Falls, South Dakota  57105
Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, Illinois  60153
CentraCare Clinic Saint Cloud, Minnesota  56303
Rapid City Regional Hospital Rapid City, South Dakota  57709
Marshfield Clinic Marshfield, Wisconsin  54449
Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center Glendale, California  91204
Stanford University Stanford, California  94305
South Georgia Medical Center Valdosta, Georgia  31603
Ingalls Memorial Hospital Harvey, Illinois  60426
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70809
Beth Israel Medical Center New York, New York  10003
Akron General Medical Center Akron, Ohio  44302
Martha Jefferson Hospital Charlottesville, Virginia  22901
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts  02115
North Shore University Hospital Manhasset, New York  11030
Hartford Hospital Hartford, Connecticut  06102-5037
Eastern Maine Medical Center Bangor, Maine  04401
Providence Alaska Medical Center Anchorage, Alaska  99508
William Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak, Michigan  48073
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center - Santa Clara Santa Clara, California  95051-5386
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek, California  94598
Maimonides Medical Center Brooklyn, New York  11219
Group Health Cooperative Seattle, Washington  98112
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Madison, Wisconsin  53792-0001
MetroHealth Medical Center Cleveland, Ohio  44109
Central Baptist Hospital Lexington, Kentucky  40503
Valley Hospital Ridgewood, New Jersey  07450
Trinity Cancer Care Center Minot, North Dakota  58701
Long Island Jewish Medical Center New Hyde Park, New York  11040
Mount Sinai Medical Center New York, New York  10029
Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, New York  10467-2490
Mount Nittany Medical Center State College, Pennsylvania  16803
Chester County Hospital West Chester, Pennsylvania  19380
Sibley Memorial Hospital Washington, District of Columbia  20016
Munson Medical Center Traverse City, Michigan  49684
Methodist Estabrook Cancer Center Omaha, Nebraska  68114-4199
Paoli Memorial Hospital Paoli, Pennsylvania  19301-1792
Rochester General Hospital Rochester, New York  14621
Front Range Cancer Specialists Fort Collins, Colorado  80528
Poudre Valley Hospital Fort Collins, Colorado  80524
Swedish Covenant Hospital Chicago, Illinois  60625
Bryn Mawr Hospital Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania  19010
Doctor's Hospital of Laredo Laredo, Texas  78041
Mountainview Medical Berlin, Vermont  05602
North Star Lodge Cancer Center at Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Yakima, Washington  98902
Mercy Hospital Coon Rapids, Minnesota  55433
Trinity Medical Center Moline, Illinois  61265-1291
Ottumwa Regional Health Center Ottumwa, Iowa  52501
Fairview-Southdale Hospital Edina, Minnesota  55435
Abbott-Northwestern Hospital Minneapolis, Minnesota  55407
Regions Hospital Saint Paul, Minnesota  55101
Rice Memorial Hospital Willmar, Minnesota  56201
Altru Cancer Center Grand Forks, North Dakota  58206
Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, Pennsylvania  17604-3555
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Pomona, California  91767
Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, Georgia  30501
Battle Creek Health System Battle Creek, Michigan  49017
Saint Luke's Hospital Chesterfield, Missouri  63017
Spartanburg Regional Medical Center Spartanburg, South Carolina  29303
Wenatchee Valley Medical Center Wenatchee, Washington  98801-2028
Marshfield Clinic Cancer Care at Regional Cancer Center Eau Claire, Wisconsin  54701
Marshfield Clinic - Weston Center Weston, Wisconsin  54476
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Pawtucket, Rhode Island  02860
Singing River Hospital Pascagoula, Mississippi  39581
Lowell General Hospital Lowell, Massachusetts  01854
AnMed Health Cancer Center Anderson, South Carolina  29621
Presbyterian Hospital Charlotte, North Carolina  28233-3549
Mayo Clinic in Arizona Scottsdale, Arizona  85259-5404
Mayo Clinic in Florida Jacksonville, Florida  32224
Washington Hospital Center Washington, District of Columbia  20010
Memorial Medical Center Springfield, Illinois  62781
McLeod Regional Medical Center Florence, South Carolina  29501
Metro Health Hospital Grand Rapids, Michigan  49506
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15261
Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee  37232-6305
Lynchburg Hematology-Oncology Clinic Lynchburg, Virginia  24501
Tahoe Forest Cancer Center Truckee, California  96161
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital Elmhurst, Illinois  60126
University of Connecticut Farmington, Connecticut  06032
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio  44106
High Point Regional Hospital High Point, North Carolina  27261
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut  06520
Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan  48202
Ohio State University Medical Center Columbus, Ohio  43210
New Hampshire Oncology-Hematology PA Hooksett, New Hampshire  03106
University of Arizona Health Sciences Center Tucson, Arizona  85724
Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19141
University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Texas  78284
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, New Hampshire  03756
Mid Dakota Clinic Bismarck, North Dakota  58501
University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois  60637
University Of Vermont Burlington,, Vermont  05403
Kaiser Permanente Sacramento, California  
Wichita CCOP Wichita, Kansas  67214-3882
Virginia Mason CCOP Seattle, Washington  98101
Huntsman Cancer Institute/University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah  84112
Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center Chicago, Illinois  60608
Addison Gilbert Hospital Gloucester, Massachusetts  01930
Columbia Saint Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee Mequon, Wisconsin  53097
Metro-Minnesota CCOP St. Louis Park, Minnesota  
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico  87131
Oregon Health and Science University Portland, Oregon  97201
Decatur Memorial Hospital Decatur, Illinois  62526
Georgetown University Hospital Washington, District of Columbia  20007
Mercy Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland  21202
Kaiser Permanente Portland, Oregon  97227
Frederick Memorial Hospital Frederick, Maryland  21701
Lankenau Hospital Wynnewood, Pennsylvania  19096
Florida Hospital Orlando, Florida  32803
Phoenixville Hospital Phoenixville, Pennsylvania  19460
University of Southern California Los Angeles, California  90033
Rockwood Clinic Spokane, Washington  99220
Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Tampa, Florida  33612
Penn State Milton S Hershey Medical Center Hershey, Pennsylvania  17033
Wake Forest University Health Sciences Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27157
Kaiser Permanente, Hayward Hayward, California  94545
Fremont - Rideout Cancer Center Marysville, California  95901
Bay Area Tumor Institution CCOP Oakland, California  94609
Kaiser Permanente-Oakland Oakland, California  94611
Kaiser Permanente-Redwood City Redwood City, California  94063
Kaiser Permanente-Richmond Richmond, California  94801
Kaiser Permanente-Roseville Roseville, California  95661
Kaiser Permanente-South Sacramento Sacramento, California  95823
Kaiser Permanente - Sacramento Sacramento, California  95825
Kaiser Permanente-San Francisco San Francisco, California  94115
University of California San Francisco Medical Center-Mount Zion San Francisco, California  94115
Kaiser Permanente-Santa Teresa-San Jose San Jose, California  95119
Kaiser Permanente-San Rafael San Rafael, California  94903
Kaiser Permanente-Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, California  95403
Kaiser Permanente-South San Francisco South San Francisco, California  94080
Kaiser Permanente-Stockton Stockton, California  95210
Kaiser Permanente-Vallejo Vallejo, California  94589
Kaiser Permanente-Walnut Creek Walnut Creek, California  94596
Memorial Hospital Colorado Springs Colorado Springs, Colorado  80909
Stamford Hospital Stamford, Connecticut  06904
The Watson Clinic Lakeland, Florida  33805
Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital Albany, Georgia  31703
University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii  96813
Rush - Copley Medical Center Aurora, Illinois  60504
John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County Chicago, Illinois  60612-3785
Resurrection Healthcare Chicago, Illinois  60631
Saint Francis Hospital Evanston, Illinois  60202
Evanston CCOP-NorthShore University HealthSystem Evanston, Illinois  60201
Illinois Oncology Research Association CCOP Peoria, Illinois  61615
Illinois CancerCare-Peoria Peoria, Illinois  61615
Howard Regional Healthcare System Kokomo, Indiana  46904
Saint Anthony Memorial Health Center Michigan City, Indiana  46360
McFarland Clinic Ames, Iowa  50010
Grand Rapids Clinical Oncology Program Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
Saint Mary's Health Care Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
Spectrum Health at Butterworth Campus Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
Mercy Health Partners-Mercy Campus Muskegon, Michigan  49443
Duluth Clinic CCOP Duluth, Minnesota  55805
Unity Hospital Fridley, Minnesota  55432
Saint John's Hospital - Healtheast Maplewood, Minnesota  55109
Minnesota Oncology Hematology PA-Maplewood Maplewood, Minnesota  55109
North Memorial Medical Health Center Robbinsdale, Minnesota  55422
Park Nicollet Clinic - Saint Louis Park Saint Louis Park, Minnesota  55416
Minnesota Oncology and Hematology PA-Woodbury Woodbury, Minnesota  55125
Saint Louis-Cape Girardeau CCOP Saint Louis, Missouri  63141
Missouri Baptist Medical Center Saint Louis, Missouri  63131
Saint John's Mercy Medical Center Saint Louis, Missouri  63141
Saint John's Hospital Springfield, Missouri  65804
Cox Medical Center Springfield, Missouri  65807
Good Samaritan Hospital Kearney, Nebraska  68847
Lincoln Medical Education Foundation Cancer Resource Center Lincoln, Nebraska  68510
Missouri Valley Cancer Consortium CCOP Omaha, Nebraska  68106
New Hampshire Oncology Hematology Associates Hooksett, New Hampshire  03106
LRGHealthcare-Lakes Region General Hospital Laconia, New Hampshire  03246
Saint Barnabas Medical Center Livingston, New Jersey  07039
Fox Chase Cancer Center at Virtua Memorial Hospital of Burlington County Mount Holly, New Jersey  08060
Presbyterian Kaseman Hospital Albuquerque, New Mexico  87110
The North Division of Montefiore Medical Center Bronx, New York  10466
New York University Langone Medical Center New York, New York  10016
Saint Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center - Saint Luke's Division New York, New York  10025
Columbia University Medical Center New York, New York  10032
State University of New York Upstate Medical University Syracuse, New York  13210
Mission Hospitals Inc Asheville, North Carolina  28801
Wayne Memorial Hospital Goldsboro, North Carolina  27534
Margaret R Pardee Memorial Hospital Hendersonville, North Carolina  28791
Kinston Medical Specialists PA Kinston, North Carolina  28501
Medcenter One Health Systems Bismarck, North Dakota  58501
Aultman Health Foundation Canton, Ohio  44710
Kettering Medical Center Kettering, Ohio  45429
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Center Portland, Oregon  97210
Columbia River Oncology Program Portland, Oregon  97225
Saint Joseph Medical Center Reading, Pennsylvania  19605
Swedish Medical Center-First Hill Seattle, Washington  98122-4307
Northwest CCOP Tacoma, Washington  98405
Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center Huntington, West Virginia  25701
West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia  26506
Wheeling Hospital Wheeling, West Virginia  26003
Central Wisconsin Cancer Program Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin  54935
Saint Vincent Hospital Green Bay, Wisconsin  54301
Aurora BayCare Medical Center Green Bay, Wisconsin  54311-6519
Marshfield Clinic-Minocqua Center Minocqua, Wisconsin  54548
University of California Medical Center At Irvine-Orange Campus Orange, California  92868
Women and Infants Hospital Providence, Rhode Island  02905
University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center Baltimore, Maryland  21201
Stony Brook University Medical Center Stony Brook, New York  11794
York Hospital York, Maine  03909
Lahey Clinic Medical Center Burlington, Massachusetts  01805
Elkhart Clinic Elkhart, Indiana  46515
Moores University of California San Diego Cancer Center LA Jolla, California  92093
University of Colorado Cancer Center - Anschutz Cancer Pavilion Aurora, Colorado  80045
Mount Sinai Medical Center CCOP Miami Beach, Florida  33140
Michiana Hematology Oncology PC-Elkhart Elkhart, Indiana  46514
Michiana Hematology Oncology PC-Plymouth Plymouth, Indiana  46563
Michiana Hematology Oncology PC-South Bend South Bend, Indiana  46601
Michiana Hematology Oncology-PC Westville Westville, Indiana  46391
Saint Vincent Hospital - Fallon Clinic Worcesster, Massachusetts  01608
Michiana Hematology Oncology PC-Niles Niles, Michigan  49120
Rex Cancer Center Raleigh, North Carolina  27607
University of Tennessee - Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee  37920
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare - Saint Joseph Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53210
Aurora Medical Center in Summit Summit, Wisconsin  53066
North Shore University Hospital CCOP Manhasset, New York  11030
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA ) Los Angeles, California  90095
State University of New York Downstate Medical Center Brooklyn, New York  11203
Monter Cancer Center Lake Success, New York  11042
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center-Todd Cancer Institute Long Beach, California  90806
FirstHealth of the Carolinas-Moore Regional Hosiptal Pinehurst, North Carolina  28374
Arizona Cancer Center at University Medical Center North Tucson, Arizona  85719
Vanderbilt Breast Center at One Hundred Oaks Nashville, Tennessee  37204
Kaiser Permanente-Deer Valley Medical Center Antioch, California  94531
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center-Vacaville Vacaville, California  95688
Greenwich Hospital Greenwich, Connecticut  06830
Connecticut Oncology and Hematology LLP Torrington, Connecticut  06790
Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Medical Center Honolulu, Hawaii  96819
Kansas City CCOP Prairie Village, Kansas  66208
Owensboro Mercy Medical Center Owensboro, Kentucky  42303
Coney Island Hospital Brooklyn, New York  11235
Forsyth Memorial Hospital Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27103
Pacific Medical Center-First Hill Seattle, Washington  98104
Columbia Saint Mary's Water Tower Medical Commons Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53211
Fairbanks Memorial Hospital Fairbanks, Alaska  99701
Heartland Oncology and Hematology LLP Council Bluffs, Iowa  51503
Kaiser Permanente-Franklin Denver, Colorado  80205
Siouxland Hematology Oncology Associates Sioux City, Iowa  51101
Kaiser Permanente-Mission San Diego, California  92108
University Medical Center Brackenridge Austin, Texas  78701
Providence Saint Mary Regional Cancer Center Walla Walla, Washington  99362
Sanford Clinic Sioux Falls, South Dakota  57104
Mount Kisco Medical Group Mt. Kisco, New York  10549
Pinnacle Oncology Associates Scottsdale, Arizona  85258
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center-Herrick Campus Berkeley, California  94704
Enloe Medical Center Chico, California  95926
University of California Davis-Cancer Center Sacramento, California  95817
Boca Raton Regional Hospital Boca Raton, Florida  33486
Carle Foundation - Carle Cancer Center Urbana, Illinois  61801
Indiana University Hospital/Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center Indianapolis, Indiana  46202
Michiana Hematology Oncology PC-Mishawaka Mishawaka, Indiana  46545-1470
Oncology Associates at Mercy Medical Center Cedar Rapids, Iowa  52403
University of Michigan Health System-Cancer Center Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109
Marie Yeager Cancer Center Saint Joseph, Michigan  49085
The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Londonderry Londonderry, New Hampshire  03053
Hematology Oncology Associates of Central New York PC East Syracuse, New York  13057
Mount Kisco Medical Group at Northern Westchester Hospital Mount Kisco, New York  10549-3417
Sanford Clinic North-Fargo Fargo, North Dakota  58102
Sanford Medical Center-Fargo Fargo, North Dakota  58122
Saint John Medical Center Longview, Washington  98632
Gundersen Lutheran Health System/CCOP La Crosse, Wisconsin  54601