Inclusion Criteria:
Cancer patients for Focus Group must meet the following criterion:
- diagnosis of any gynecologic or breast cancer and be pursuing treatment here at
Stanford within the last 2 years
- must read and speak Chinese
- willing and able to participant in group discussions
Cancer patients to receive Navigator Support must meet the following criterion:
- Newly diagnosed with gynecologic or breast cancer -pursuing treatment at Stanford
Cancer Center
- must read and speak Chinese
- willing and able to have an individual relationship with a Navigator
Health Professional must meet the following criterion:
-must currently work in the Stanford gynecologic Oncology Clinic
Navigators must meet the following criterion:
- Chinese and English speaking
- willing and able to participate in training and to serve as a Navigator
- preferably a Cancer survivor
Exclusion Criteria:
Cancer patients must have a GOG performance status of 0-2 (see attached document for
further details). Focus Group participate MAY be able to be participating in another study
but patients who are already participating in a clinical trial will not be assigned a
No Exclusionary criterion for Health Professionals or Navigators.