Involving Adolescents in Physical Activity Promotion

11 Years
14 Years
Open (Enrolling)
Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific

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Trial Information

Involving Adolescents in Physical Activity Promotion



- Develop educational, promotional, and evaluation materials for use in promoting
physical activity (PA) in community-based after-school programs by multiethnic, urban

- Develop a series of workshops for promoting physical activities (PAs) that are "a good
fit" in after-school programs for these participants.

- Determine a small set of feasibility tests as a first step towards pursuing funding for
a full-scale experimental study.

- Development of print materials for a series of skills-building workshops for these

- Development of evaluation materials, including self-report survey questions and
structured interview protocols for qualitative assessment of participants' skills in
identifying PAs that are a "good fit" for them.

OUTLINE: Youth participants will be assigned to one of two groups and may be involved in one
or more research activities conducted during after-school hours at a community-based,
after-school program site.

- Focus group: Participants, consisting of 5-8 adolescents per focus group, either all
male or all female, attend a single audiotaped focus group with a trained moderator for
60 minutes. Participants complete an anonymous participant information form, and
explore their perceptions of physical activity (PA), perceptions of audience segments
among peers that would be appropriate for tailoring physical promotions, and responses
to images and graphic designs for use in developing print materials. Some participants
may also be eligible to participate in a second focus group and the survey if

- One-on-one interview: Participants attend a one-on-one audiotaped individual interview
with a trained interviewer for 60 minutes. Participants in the first set of interviews
explore their perceptions of PA, their perceptions of the concept of finding PAs that
are "a good fit", and their perceptions of audience segmentation for promoting PA. In
the second set of interviews, participants test a protocol for qualitative assessment
of adolescents' skills in assessing "good fit" of PA. Participants are involved in a
series of visual and written scenarios depicting a variety of PAs, and use a structured
interview format to identify the PA they most or least enjoy. Participants will also be
asked to elaborate on criteria and experiences on which they based their decisions.
Participants may also participate in the survey if interested.

- Survey: Participants complete a paper and pencil 60-minute questionnaire about PA
behaviors, attitudes, environments, and person-physical activity skills (i.e., skills
in finding PAs that are "a good fit"). Two weeks later, participants are asked to
complete a second questionnaire.

- Key informant interview (adult): Participants attend a 60-minute, audiotaped interview
with a trained interviewer that focuses on respondents' perceptions of the PA-related
attitudes, behaviors, strengths, and barriers of the young adolescents who participate
in their program, the respondents' experiences with promoting PA in their program
participants, and respondents' suggestions for program elements and logistics to
enhance the feasibility and effectiveness of after-school workshops to promote PA.

- Workshop pilot testing: After data collection from the above field work is completed,
1-2 workshop activities are conducted in cooperation with program leaders at
community-based, after-school programs.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: Approximately 420 participants (400 adolescents and 20 adults) will be
accrued for this study.

Inclusion Criteria


- Noninstitutionalized, community-residing youth living in and attending after-school
programs in New York City or Newark, NJ OR

- After-school program leaders at community agencies (i.e., adults) who participate in
key informant interviews


- Any racial or ethnic background


- Not specified

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Primary Purpose: Prevention

Outcome Measure:

Behavior changes regarding physical activity by self-reported questionnaire

Safety Issue:


Principal Investigator

Amanda S. Birnbaum, PhD, MPH

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Montclair State University



Study ID:




Start Date:

September 2004

Completion Date:

Related Keywords:

  • Unspecified Adult Solid Tumor, Protocol Specific
  • unspecified adult solid tumor, protocol specific



Health and Nutrition Sciences at Montclair State University Montclair, New Jersey  07043