Pancreatic Cancer Serum and DNA Repository

18 Years
Not Enrolling
Pancreas Cancer

Thank you

Trial Information

Pancreatic Cancer Serum and DNA Repository

- To establish a central pancreatic cancer specimen repository to serve as a resource for
current and future scientific studies.

- To utilize the PCRT clinical data base to perform clinicopathologic correlation with
the results of those studies.

- To test new hypotheses as they emerge.

Inclusion Criteria:

Ages Eligible for Study: 18 Years and above, Genders Eligible for Study: Both


Inclusion Criteria:

4.1 At the time of subject registration, CRAB will verify the institution's IRB date to
ensure that the subject can be enrolled.

4.2 Potential study participants must meet the eligibility criteria found in Section 12.0
(Eligibility Checklist). Candidates will fall into one of four groups:

1. Pancreatic cancer patients;

2. Pancreatic and Liver Disease patients;

3. Healthy, At-Risk Volunteers (smoker, (defined as individuals who have smoked >= 100
cigarettes in their lifetime, and who currently smoke every day or some days [MMWR
November 12, 2004, 53(44);1035-1037]), diabetic, and/or family history); and

4. Healthy Volunteers (no history of cancer). The Eligibility Checklist must be
photocopied, completed and stored on site. Eligibility is confirmed during
registration, by answering yes to the question, Have all eligibility criteria been
met? on the Registration Form.

Eligibility Checklist:

1. Pancreatic Cancer Patient Criteria All subjects, regardless of gender and ethnicity
are eligible for this study Pathological diagnosis of pancreatic malignant neoplasm
Expected availability of clinical follow up data Eighteen years old or older All
subjects must be informed of the investigational nature of this protocol Written,
informed consent obtained in accordance with institutional and federal guidelines

2. Pancreatitis and Liver Disease Subject Criteria All subjects, regardless of gender
and ethnicity are eligible for this study Pathological diagnosis of pancreatitis or
liver disease Eighteen years old or older All subjects must be informed of the
investigational nature of this protocol Written, informed consent obtained in
accordance with institutional and federal guidelines

3. Healthy, At-Risk Volunteers All subjects, regardless of gender and ethnicity are
eligible for this study Is a smoker, is diabetic AND/OR has a family history of
pancreatic cancer Eighteen years old or older with no history of cancer All subjects
must be informed of the investigational nature of this protocol Written, informed
consent obtained in accordance with institutional and federal guidelines

4. Healthy Volunteers (no at-risk factors) All subjects, regardless of gender and
ethnicity are eligible for this study Eighteen years old or older with no history of
cancer All subjects must be informed of the investigational nature of this protocol
Written, informed consent obtained in accordance with institutional and federal

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Observational Model: Case Control, Time Perspective: Prospective

Principal Investigator

Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Hospital Universitario Sanchinarro, Madrid, Spain


United States: Institutional Review Board

Study ID:

PCRT 03 001



Start Date:

February 2004

Completion Date:

December 2011

Related Keywords:

  • Pancreas Cancer
  • Cancer
  • Pancreas
  • Pancreatic Neoplasms



Rush University Medical Center Chicago, Illinois  60612-3824
South Texas Oncology and Hematology San Antonio, Texas  78229
UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, California  90095-7059
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico  87131
Scottsdale Healthcare Scottsdale, Arizona  85251
Sarah Cannon Research Institute Nashville, Tennessee  37203
University of Arizona/Arizona Cancer Center Tucson, Arizona  85724
Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center/Johns Hopkins Baltimore, Maryland  21231
Abbott Northwestern Hospital/Virginia Piper Cancer Institute Minneapolis, Minnesota  55407