A Phase I/II Study of Topotecan With G-CSF and Radiation Therapy in Children With Malignant Intrinsic Pontine Brainstem Gliomas of Childhood

Phase 1/Phase 2
3 Years
21 Years
Not Enrolling
Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors

Thank you

Trial Information

A Phase I/II Study of Topotecan With G-CSF and Radiation Therapy in Children With Malignant Intrinsic Pontine Brainstem Gliomas of Childhood



- Determine the feasibility of escalating the dose of topotecan when administered with
filgrastim (G-CSF) and radiotherapy, in terms of increasing the topotecan dose 25-50%
above the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) determined in a prior phase I study, in young
patients with newly diagnosed malignant intrinsic pontine brain stem glioma. (Phase I)

- Determine the dose-limiting toxic effects of topotecan in these patients. (Phase I)

- Determine the 1-year event-free survival and overall survival of patients treated with
this regimen (at the MTD of topotecan determined in phase I). (Phase II)

- Determine the toxicity of this regimen in these patients. (Phase II)


- Determine the pharmacokinetics of this regimen in these patients.

OUTLINE: This is a multicenter, phase I, dose-escalation study of topotecan followed by a
phase II study.

- Phase I: Patients receive topotecan IV over 30 minutes followed by radiotherapy once
daily, 5 days a week for 6-7 weeks. During chemoradiotherapy, patients also receive
filgrastim (G-CSF) IV or subcutaneously daily, if needed, until blood counts recover.
Treatment continues in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.

Cohorts of 3-6 patients receive escalating doses of topotecan until the maximum tolerated
dose (MTD) is determined. The MTD is defined as the dose preceding that at which 2 out of 6
patients experience dose-limiting toxicity.

- Phase II: Patients receive topotecan (at the MTD determined in phase I ), G-CSF, and
radiotherapy as in phase I.

After completion of study treatment, patients are followed within 2 weeks, every 3 months
for 1.5 years, every 6 months for 1.5 years, and then annually until disease relapse.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: A total of 3-72 patients (3-12 for phase I and 60 for phase II) will be
accrued for this study within approximately 3 years.

Inclusion Criteria


- Diagnosis of intrinsic pontine brain stem glioma within the past 30 days

- Histologic confirmation not required provided the tumor has a pontine epicenter
AND exhibits diffuse (rather than focal) involvement of ≥ 2/3 of the pons with
or without extension to the adjacent medulla or midbrain* NOTE: *Brain stem
tumors that do not meet these criteria must be histologically confirmed as grade
III or IV malignant glioma

- Measurable disease by radiographic imaging

- Post-operative MRI required within the past 30 days if patient had a biopsy or
surgical resection

- No disseminated disease

- No neurofibromatosis type 1



- 3 to 21 at diagnosis

Performance status

- Lansky 50-100% OR

- Karnofsky 50-100%

Life expectancy

- At least 8 weeks


- Absolute neutrophil count ≥ 1,000/mm^3

- Platelet count ≥ 100,000/mm^3 (transfusion independent)

- Hemoglobin ≥ 10.0 g/dL (transfusion allowed)


- Bilirubin ≤ 1.5 times upper limit of normal (ULN)

- ALT < 2.5 times ULN


- Creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate ≥ 70 mL/min OR

- Creatinine based on age as follows:

- No greater than 0.8 mg/dL (for patients ≤ 5 years of age)

- No greater than 1.0 mg/dL (for patients 6 to 10 years of age)

- No greater than 1.2 mg/dL (for patients 11 to 15 years of age)

- No greater than 1.5 mg/dL (for patients over 15 years of age)


- Not pregnant or nursing

- Negative pregnancy test

- Fertile patients must use effective contraception

- Not severely somnolent or comatose

- Central cortical neurotoxicity scale < grade 3


Biologic therapy

- No concurrent immunomodulating agents


- No other concurrent anticancer chemotherapy

Endocrine therapy

- Concurrent corticosteroids allowed for neurological deficits related to the tumor


- No prior radiotherapy


- See Disease Characteristics

- Prior biopsy or surgical resection for malignant brain stem glioma allowed


- No other prior therapy for malignant brain stem glioma

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Primary Purpose: Treatment

Outcome Measure:

Time to treatment failure (e.g., tumor progression, tumor recurrence, or death from any cause)

Safety Issue:


Principal Investigator

Patricia L. Robertson, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

University of Michigan Cancer Center


United States: Federal Government

Study ID:




Start Date:

October 2005

Completion Date:

Related Keywords:

  • Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors
  • untreated childhood brain stem glioma
  • Glioma
  • Nervous System Neoplasms
  • Central Nervous System Neoplasms



Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Rochester, Minnesota  55905
University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Chicago, Illinois  60637
Indiana University Cancer Center Indianapolis, Indiana  46202-5265
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Detroit, Michigan  48201
University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi  39216-4505
Midwest Children's Cancer Center Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53226
CCOP - Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, Michigan  49007-3731
Carole and Ray Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, Connecticut  06360-2875
Penn State Cancer Institute at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Hershey, Pennsylvania  17033-0850
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Nashville, Tennessee  37232-6838
New York Medical College Valhalla, New York  10595
University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center Miami, Florida  33136
Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital Saint Louis, Missouri  63110
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii  96813
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center Cleveland, Ohio  44195
Sutter Cancer Center Sacramento, California  95816
Children's Hospital of Orange County Orange, California  92668
Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas City, Missouri  64108
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213
Nemours Children's Clinic Jacksonville, Florida  32207
Children's Memorial Hospital - Chicago Chicago, Illinois  60614
Saint Jude Midwest Affiliate Peoria, Illinois  61637
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center at Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts  02115
University of New Mexico Cancer Research and Treatment Center Albuquerque, New Mexico  87131
Driscoll Children's Hospital Corpus Christi, Texas  78466
Cook Children's Medical Center - Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas  76104
Phoenix Children's Hospital Phoenix, Arizona  85016-7710
Southern California Permanente Medical Group Downey, California  90242
Children's Hospital Central California Madera, California  93638-8762
Kosair Children's Hospital Louisville, Kentucky  40202-3830
Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center Las Vegas, Nevada  89109-2306
Children's Medical Center - Dayton Dayton, Ohio  45404
Palmetto Health South Carolina Cancer Center Columbia, South Carolina  29203
Arkansas Cancer Research Center at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas  72205
Kansas Masonic Cancer Research Institute at the University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, Kansas  66160-7353
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center at Columbia University New York, New York  10032
Blumenthal Cancer Center at Carolinas Medical Center Charlotte, North Carolina  28232-2861
Overlook Hospital Summit, New Jersey  07902-0220
Lee Cancer Care of Lee Memorial Health System Fort Myers, Florida  33901
University of Florida Shands Cancer Center Gainesville, Florida  32610-0232
Nemours Children's Clinic - Orlando Orlando, Florida  32806
Florida Hospital Cancer Institute at Florida Hospital Orlando Orlando, Florida  32803-1273
Sacred Heart Cancer Center at Sacred Heart Hospital Pensacola, Florida  32504
St. Joseph's Cancer Institute at St. Joseph's Hospital Tampa, Florida  33607
St. Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute - Boise Boise, Idaho  83712-6297
Advocate Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn, Illinois  60453
CancerCare of Maine at Eastern Maine Medial Center Bangor, Maine  04401
Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts - New England Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts  02111
Hackensack University Medical Center Cancer Center Hackensack, New Jersey  07601
NYU Cancer Institute at New York University Medical Center New York, New York  10016
SUNY Upstate Medical University Hospital Syracuse, New York  13210
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, Ohio  45229-3039
Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital Cleveland, Ohio  44106-5000
Hollings Cancer Center at Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina  29425
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine - Amarillo Amarillo, Texas  79106
Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Dallas Dallas, Texas  75390
Methodist Children's Hospital of South Texas San Antonio, Texas  78229-3993
Primary Children's Medical Center Salt Lake City, Utah  84113-1100
Providence Cancer Center at Sacred Heart Medical Center Spokane, Washington  99220-2555
West Virginia University - Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center - Charleston Division Charleston, West Virginia  25302
Edwards Comprehensive Cancer Center at Cabell Huntington Hospital Huntington, West Virginia  25701
James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York  14642
University of Illinois Cancer Center Chicago, Illinois  60612-7243
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-0286
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota - Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota  55404
Oklahoma University Cancer Institute Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73104
Spectrum Health Hospital - Butterworth Campus Grand Rapids, Michigan  49503
Columbus Children's Hospital Columbus, Ohio  43205-2696
University of Minnesota Medical Center & Children's Hospital - Fairview Minneapolis, Minnesota  55455
Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center - Stanford Stanford, California  94305
Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth - Hitchcock Medical Center Lebanon, New Hampshire  03756-0002
Lurleen Wallace Comprehensive Cancer at University of Alabama-Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama  35294