A Phase I/II Trial Of STI571 In Children With Newly Diagnosed Poor Prognosis Brainstem Gliomas And Recurrent Intracranial Malignant Gliomas

Phase 1/Phase 2
3 Years
21 Years
Not Enrolling
Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors

Thank you

Trial Information

A Phase I/II Trial Of STI571 In Children With Newly Diagnosed Poor Prognosis Brainstem Gliomas And Recurrent Intracranial Malignant Gliomas


I. Determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of imatinib mesylate after completion of
radiation in children with newly diagnosed poor prognosis brainstem gliomas. (Phase I,
strata I closed to accrual as of 5/28/04.) II. Determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of
imatinib mesylate in children with recurrent high-grade intracranial glioma stratified
according to the use of enzyme-inducing anticonvulsant drugs (EIACDs). (Phase I, strata IIA
and IIB closed to accrual as of 8/15/03 and 8/15/04, respectively) III. Determine the safety
and efficacy of this drug in patients with newly diagnosed diffuse intrinsic brainstem
gliomas. (Phase II)


I. Explore neuroimaging and biological correlatives of therapeutic activity of this regimen
in these patients. (Phase I, all strata closed to accrual as of 8/15/04) II. Determine the
pharmacokinetics of these regimens in these patients overall and by enzyme-inducing
anticonvulsant drugs (EIACDs) (Phase I, all strata closed to accrual as of 8/15/04.) III.
Estimate the progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) of newly diagnosed
diffuse intrinsic brainstem gliomas treated with this drug. (Phase I and II)

OUTLINE: This is a phase I dose-escalation, multicenter study followed by a phase II.
Patients are stratified according to tumor type (newly diagnosed intrinsic brainstem glioma
vs recurrent/refractory intracranial high-grade glioma). Patients in stratum II (phase I
only) are further stratified according to concurrent use of enzyme-inducing anticonvulsant
drugs (EIACDs) (yes vs no). Patients are assigned to one of three strata in the phase I

- Phase I

- Stratum I (newly diagnosed brainstem glioma): Patients undergo radiotherapy once
daily five days a week for 6 weeks. Beginning 1-3 weeks after completion of
radiotherapy, patients without evidence of intratumoral bleed receive oral
imatinib mesylate twice daily. Imatinib mesylate treatment repeats every 4 weeks
for up to 13 courses in the absence of disease progression or unacceptable
toxicity. (Closed to accrual as of 5/28/04.)

- Stratum II A (recurrent or refractory high-grade intracranial gliomas/no
concurrent EIACDs): Patients receive imatinib mesylate as in stratum I. (Closed to
accrual as of 8/15/03.)

- Stratum II B (recurrent or refractory high-grade intracranial gliomas and
concurrent EIACDs): Patients receive imatinib mesylate as in stratum I. (Closed to
accrual as of 8/15/04.)

Cohorts of 2-3 patients receive escalating doses of imatinib mesylate until the maximum
tolerated dose (MTD) is determined. The MTD is defined as the dose at which it is estimated
that 20% of patients will experience dose-limiting toxicity. MTDs are independently
estimated in each strata. For stratum I, newly diagnosed brain stem gliomas, the dose level
which at least 5 of 6 patients experience no dose-limiting toxicity will be the dose used in
the efficacy and safety phase (phase II).

- Phase II: (Open to accrual as of 5/28/04.)

- Stratum I only: Patients undergo radiotherapy as in phase I. Patients receive
imatinib mesylate at the MTD established in phase I.

Patients enrolled in the phase I portion and not treated at the MTD are to be followed for
the shortest of 1) three months after the last protocol based treatment or 2) the date other
therapy is initiated. Stratum I patients treated at the MTD in the phase I portion and all
patients in the phase II portion of the study are to be followed until death or withdrawal
from the study

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: Approximately 140 patients will be accrued for this study within 2 years.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

- Age 3 to 21

- Performance status of Karnofsky 50-100% OR Lansky 50-100%

- Absolute neutrophil count greater than 1,000/mm3

- Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm3 (transfusion independent)

- Hemoglobin greater than 8 g/dL (transfusion allowed)

- Bilirubin no greater than 1.5 times normal for age

- SGPT less than 3 times normal for age

- Albumin at least 2 g/dL

- Creatinine less than 1.5 times normal for age OR Glomerular filtration rate greater
than 70 mL/min

- Not pregnant or nursing

- Negative pregnancy test

- Fertile patients must use effective barrier contraception during and for 6 months
after study participation

- Stratum I

- Newly diagnosed diffuse intrinsic brainstem malignant glioma

- No disseminated disease

- No radiographic evidence of intratumoral hemorrhage before or during

- No prior chemotherapy (beyond routine corticosteroids)

- No prior irradiation

- Must not be receiving enzyme-inducing anticonvulsant drugs

- Stratum II

- Histologically confirmed recurrent or refractory anaplastic astrocytoma,
glioblastoma multiforme, or other high-grade glioma (including recurrent brain
stem glioma

- No intratumoral hemorrhage unrelated to prior surgical procedure

- No myelosuppressive chemotherapy within 3 weeks (6 weeks if a nitrosourea agent)
of study entry

- No prior imatinib mesylate

- At least 3 months since prior craniospinal radiotherapy (18 Gy or more)

- At least 8 weeks since prior local radiotherapy to primary tumor

- At least 2 weeks since prior focal radiotherapy for symptomatic

- At least 3 months since prior bone marrow transplantation

- Neurological deficits allowed if stable for at least 1 week prior to study

Exclusion Criteria

- Receiving other anticancer or experimental drug therapy.

- Ongoing uncontrolled infection.

- Significant cardiac, hepatic, gastrointestinal, renal, pulmonary, or psychiatric

- Deep venous or arterial thrombosis within 6 weeks of registration.

- Taking warfarin.

- Newly diagnosed diffuse intrinsic brainstem malignant glioma with disseminated
disease (stratum I)

- Intratumoral hemorrhage

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Endpoint Classification: Safety/Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Single Group Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Treatment

Outcome Measure:

Number of Participants in Phase I Stratum I With Dose Limiting Toxicities (DLT) Observed During First 8 Weeks (Courses 1 and 2) of Imatinib Therapy

Outcome Description:

The dose limiting toxicity (DLT) analysis population consists of phase I stratum I participants who developed DLT during the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) estimation period (course 1 and 2) or who completed the MTD estimation period (courses 1 and 2) without DLTs. DLTs observed during courses 1 and 2 were used to estimate the MTD. The estimated MTD based on the 23 participants who either had a DLT during course 1 or 2 or completed courses 1 and 2 without DLT is 265 mg/m2/day.

Outcome Time Frame:

Day 1 of Imatinib Mesylate Therapy to Week 8

Safety Issue:


Principal Investigator

Ian F. Pollack, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh


United States: Food and Drug Administration

Study ID:




Start Date:

May 2001

Completion Date:

August 2008

Related Keywords:

  • Brain and Central Nervous System Tumors
  • childhood central nervous system germ cell tumor
  • childhood high-grade cerebral astrocytoma
  • untreated childhood brain stem glioma
  • recurrent childhood brain stem glioma
  • recurrent childhood cerebral astrocytoma
  • Glioma
  • Nervous System Neoplasms
  • Central Nervous System Neoplasms



Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Durham, North Carolina  27710
Children's National Medical Center Washington, District of Columbia  20010-2970
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213
Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center - Seattle Seattle, Washington  98105
Children's Memorial Hospital - Chicago Chicago, Illinois  60614
Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center at Dana Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts  02115
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis, Tennessee  38105-2794
UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center San Francisco, California  94115
Texas Children's Cancer Center and Hematology Service at Texas Children's Hospital Houston, Texas  77030-2399