A Phase II Clinical And Biologic Study Of The Combination Of Low Dose Interferon-Alpha And Thalidomide (NSC #66847) For Patients With Relapsed Or Refractory Low-Grade Follicular Lymphoma
Inclusion Criteria:
- Histologically confirmed relapsed or refractory low-grade follicular non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma (NHL)
- WHO grade 1 or 2
- Failure to achieve a complete or partial remission after prior treatment
- Relapse or disease progression within 30 days after prior treatment regimen
- No histologic transformation to aggressive NHL or areas of diffuse NHL
- At least 1 measurable lesion by CT scan, MRI, or chest x-ray
- Tissue in the form of tissue blocks available
- No brain metastasis or primary brain tumors
- Performance status - ECOG 0-1
- More than 3 months
- Absolute neutrophil count greater than 1,500/mm^3
- Platelet count greater than 100,000/mm^3
- Hemoglobin greater than 8.5 g/dL
- Bilirubin no greater than 1.5 mg/dL
- SGOT/SGPT no greater than 2.5 times upper limit of normal
- PT (or INR)/PTT normal or not clinically significant
- No preexisting liver disease
- Creatinine no greater than 1.5 mg/dL
- Creatinine clearance greater than 60 mL/min
- No uncompensated coronary artery disease
- No myocardial infarction or severe/unstable angina within the past 6 months
- No active infection
- No prior gastrointestinal disorder that would interfere with thalidomide absorption
- No preexisting autoimmune disease
- No medical, psychological, or social problem that would preclude study participation
- No uncontrolled or untreated depression
- No emotional disorder or substance abuse
- No prior seizures or potential risk factors for development of seizures
- HIV negative
- Not pregnant or nursing
- Negative pregnancy test at baseline, weekly for 4 weeks, and then every 2-4 weeks
thereafter while on study
- Fertile female patients must use 1 highly active method and 1 additional effective
method of contraception for 4 weeks before, during, and for 4 weeks after study
- Fertile male patients must use effective barrier contraception during and for 4 weeks
after study participation
- No more than 1 prior course of unconjugated monoclonal antibody therapy
- No prior conjugated monoclonal antibody (radiolabeled or immunotoxin) therapy
- No prior interferon alfa
- No concurrent hematopoietic growth factors or other cytokines
- No concurrent monoclonal antibodies
- No more than 2 prior chemotherapy regimens (single agent or combination)
- At least 28 days since prior chemotherapy
- No concurrent chemotherapy
- At least 28 days since prior corticosteroid therapy
- Prior or concurrent megestrol allowed
- No concurrent corticosteroids
- No concurrent hormonal therapy
- Prior palliative radiotherapy to nontarget lesions allowed
- No prior radiotherapy to all sites of measurable disease
- No prior extensive radiotherapy to more than 20% of bone marrow
- No concurrent palliative radiotherapy
- At least 14 days since prior major surgery
- No prior major upper gastrointestinal surgery
- No other concurrent cytotoxic agents
- No other concurrent investigational therapy
- No other concurrent anticancer therapy