Randomized Phase III Trial Of Carboplatin And Paclitaxel Plus Tirapazamine Versus Carboplatin And Paclitaxel In Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Phase 3
18 Years
Not Enrolling
Lung Cancer

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Trial Information

Randomized Phase III Trial Of Carboplatin And Paclitaxel Plus Tirapazamine Versus Carboplatin And Paclitaxel In Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer


- Compare the effects of paclitaxel and carboplatin with or without tirapazamine on
progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with stage IV and selected
stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer.

- Compare response rates in patients treated with these regimens.

- Compare the toxic effects of these regimens in these patients.

OUTLINE: This is a randomized study. Patients are stratified according to weight loss (less
than 5% vs 5% or more), stage of disease (IIIB vs IV), and lactate dehydrogenase level
(normal vs abnormal). Patients are randomized to 1 of 2 treatment arms.

- Arm I: Patients receive tirapazamine IV over 2 hours followed by paclitaxel IV over 3
hours and carboplatin IV over 30 minutes on day 1.

- Arm II: Patients receive paclitaxel and carboplatin as in arm I. Treatment continues
every 21 days for a total of 6 courses in the absence of disease progression or
unacceptable toxicity.

Patients are followed every 3 months for one year, and then every 6 months for 2 years, or
until death.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: Approximately 500 patients (250 per arm) will be accrued for this study
within 20 months.

Inclusion Criteria


- Histologically or cytologically proven newly diagnosed advanced primary non-small
cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including the following cellular types:

- Adenocarcinoma

- Large cell carcinoma

- Squamous cell carcinoma

- Unspecified carcinoma OR

- Recurrent disease after prior surgery and/or radiotherapy

- Stage IIIB disease

- T4 lesion due to malignant pleural effusion OR

- Stage IV disease

- Any T, any N, M1 (distant metastasis, including lesions in multiple lobes of the
ipsilateral lung)

- Measurable or evaluable disease

- Pleural effusions, ascites, and laboratory parameters not considered as only
evidence of disease

- Must be outside prior radiated field or area of prior surgical resection or new
lesion must be present

- No known brain metastases



- 18 and over

Performance status:

- Zubrod 0-1

Life expectancy:

- Not specified


- Absolute granulocyte count at least 1,500/mm^3

- Platelet count at least 100,000/mm^3

- Hemoglobin at least 9 g/dL


- Bilirubin no greater than 2 times upper limit of normal (ULN)

- SGOT or SGPT no greater than 2 times ULN

- Alkaline phosphatase no greater than 2 times ULN


- Creatinine no greater than ULN

- Creatinine clearance at least 50 mL/min


- Not pregnant or nursing

- Fertile patients must use effective contraception

- No peripheral neuropathy (motor or sensory) of grade 2 or greater

- No other malignancy within the past 5 years except adequately treated basal cell or
squamous cell skin cancer, carcinoma in situ of the cervix, or stage I/II cancer in
complete remission


Biologic therapy:

- No prior biologic therapy for NSCLC


- No prior systemic chemotherapy for NSCLC

Endocrine therapy:

- Not specified


- See Disease Characteristics

- At least 3 weeks since prior radiotherapy and recovered

- No concurrent radiotherapy


- See Disease Characteristics

- At least 2 weeks since prior thoracic or other major surgery and recovered

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Allocation: Randomized, Primary Purpose: Treatment

Principal Investigator

Stephen K. Williamson, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

University of Kansas


United States: Federal Government

Study ID:




Start Date:

November 2000

Completion Date:

April 2006

Related Keywords:

  • Lung Cancer
  • recurrent non-small cell lung cancer
  • squamous cell lung cancer
  • large cell lung cancer
  • stage IIIB non-small cell lung cancer
  • stage IV non-small cell lung cancer
  • adenocarcinoma of the lung
  • Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung
  • Lung Neoplasms



Arizona Cancer Center Tucson, Arizona  85724
University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-0752
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA Los Angeles, California  90095-1781
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Orange, California  92868
University of Colorado Cancer Center Denver, Colorado  80262
Albert B. Chandler Medical Center, University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky  40536-0084
CCOP - Ann Arbor Regional Ann Arbor, Michigan  48106
Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute Detroit, Michigan  48201
University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, Mississippi  39216-4505
Barrett Cancer Center, The University Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio  45219
Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina  29425-0721
CCOP - Upstate Carolina Spartanburg, South Carolina  29303
CCOP - Wichita Wichita, Kansas  67214-3882
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio San Antonio, Texas  78284-7811
CCOP - Greater Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona  85006-2726
CCOP - Atlanta Regional Atlanta, Georgia  30342-1701
CCOP - Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri  64131
UCSF Cancer Center and Cancer Research Institute San Francisco, California  94115-0128
CCOP - Southeast Cancer Control Consortium Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27104-4241
CCOP - Duluth Duluth, Minnesota  55805
Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, Illinois  60153
CCOP - Toledo Community Hospital Oncology Program Toledo, Ohio  43623-3456
Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, Michigan  48202
Huntsman Cancer Institute Salt Lake City, Utah  84112
Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic - Martinez Martinez, California  94553
CCOP - Bay Area Tumor Institute Oakland, California  94609-3305
CCOP - Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital Santa Rosa, California  95403
David Grant Medical Center Travis Air Force Base, California  94535
CCOP - Central Illinois Springfield, Illinois  62526
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Lexington Lexington, Kentucky  40511-1093
Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana  70112
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Boston (Jamaica Plain) Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts  02130
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105
St. Louis University Health Sciences Center Saint Louis, Missouri  63110-0250
CCOP - Cancer Research for the Ozarks Springfield, Missouri  65807
CCOP - Montana Cancer Consortium Billings, Montana  59101
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Albany Albany, New York  12208
CCOP - Columbus Columbus, Ohio  43206
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Dayton Dayton, Ohio  45428
CCOP - Dayton Kettering, Ohio  45429
CCOP - Columbia River Program Portland, Oregon  97213
CCOP - Greenville Greenville, South Carolina  29615
University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, Texas  77555-1329
Swedish Cancer Institute Seattle, Washington  98104
MBCCOP - University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois  60612
MBCCOP - University of New Mexico HSC Albuquerque, New Mexico  87131
CCOP - Scott and White Hospital Temple, Texas  76508
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii  96813
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center Cleveland, Ohio  44195
MBCCOP - Gulf Coast Mobile, Alabama  36688
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Tucson Tucson, Arizona  85723
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Little Rock, Arkansas  72205
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Little Rock (McClellan) Little Rock, Arkansas  72205
Cancer Center and Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope Duarte, California  91010-3000
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital Los Angeles, California  90033-0804
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Denver Denver, Colorado  80220
Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center Fort Gordon, Georgia  30905-5650
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Chicago (Westside Hospital) Chicago, Illinois  60612
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Hines (Hines Junior VA Hospital) Hines, Illinois  60141
University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, Kansas  66160-7353
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Wichita Wichita, Kansas  67218
MBCCOP - LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Louisiana  70112
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - Shreveport Shreveport, Louisiana  71130-3932
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Shreveport Shreveport, Louisiana  71130
Boston Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts  02118
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Detroit Detroit, Michigan  48201-1932
Providence Hospital - Southfield Southfield, Michigan  48075-9975
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Biloxi Biloxi, Mississippi  39531-2410
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Jackson Jackson, Mississippi  39216
Keesler Medical Center - Keesler AFB Keesler AFB, Mississippi  39534-2576
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Kansas City Kansas City, Missouri  64128
CCOP - St. Louis-Cape Girardeau Saint Louis, Missouri  63141
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Albuquerque Albuquerque, New Mexico  87108-5138
Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center New York, New York  10032
University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, New York  14642
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio  45220-2288
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73104
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Oklahoma City Oklahoma City, Oklahoma  73104
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Portland Portland, Oregon  97207
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Charleston Charleston, South Carolina  29401-5799
Brooke Army Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, Texas  78234-6200
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Houston Houston, Texas  77030
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - San Antonio (Murphy) San Antonio, Texas  78284
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Temple Temple, Texas  76504
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Salt Lake City Salt Lake City, Utah  84148
CCOP - Virginia Mason Research Center Seattle, Washington  98101
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Seattle Seattle, Washington  98108
CCOP - Northwest Tacoma, Washington  98405-0986
Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, Washington  98431-5048
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Phoenix (Hayden) Phoenix, Arizona  85012
Oregon Cancer Center Portland, Oregon  97201-3098
University of California Davis Cancer Center Sacramento, California  95817
Hematology Oncology Associates of the Quad Cities Bettendorf, Iowa  52722