Video-Assisted Lobectomy for Peripheral (no Greater Than 3 cm), N0, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II Feasibility Study

Phase 2
Not Enrolling
Lung Cancer

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Trial Information

Video-Assisted Lobectomy for Peripheral (no Greater Than 3 cm), N0, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase II Feasibility Study

OBJECTIVES: I. Determine the feasibility of performing video-assisted thoracic surgery
(VATS) lobectomy, without significant morbidity or perioperative mortality, in patients with
small (no greater than 3.0 cm), peripheral, non-small cell lung cancer. II. Determine the
rate at which a thoracotomy must be carried out to complete a VATS lobectomy in these
patients. III. Describe the complications associated with this procedure. IV. Describe the
length of the operative procedure, duration of chest tube stay, and length of
hospitalization in this patient population. V. Describe the survival and failure-free
survival, over a 5-year period, in this patient population following this procedure.

OUTLINE: Patients undergo video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy, which requires 3
small incisions on the side of the chest. The entire anatomic pulmonary lobe is removed, as
well as all peribronchial lymph nodes and anterior hilar lymph nodes. If it is not possible
to remove the lobe using the VATS approach, then 1 of the incisions is converted to a
standard thoracotomy. Patients are followed every 4 months for the first 2 years, and then
every 6 months for the next 3 years.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: A total of 135 patients will be accrued for this study within 3 years.

Inclusion Criteria

DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Suspected or histologically documented non-small cell lung cancer
Solitary, peripheral lung lesion that is no greater than 3.0 cm No metastatic disease No
positive lymph nodes at mediastinoscopy At least 5 years since diagnosis of non-small cell
or small cell lung cancer

PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: Not specified Performance status: ECOG 0-2 Life expectancy:
Not specified Hematopoietic: Not specified Hepatic: Not specified Renal: Not specified
Pulmonary: FEV1 at least 1.0 L or at least 50% of predicted Other: No significant comorbid
medical or psychiatric condition No other active malignancy other than nonmelanomatous
skin cancer


Type of Study:


Study Design:

Primary Purpose: Treatment

Principal Investigator

Scott J. Swanson, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center


United States: Federal Government

Study ID:




Start Date:

December 1998

Completion Date:

March 2006

Related Keywords:

  • Lung Cancer
  • occult non-small cell lung cancer
  • stage I non-small cell lung cancer
  • stage 0 non-small cell lung cancer
  • Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung
  • Lung Neoplasms



Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York  10021
Albert Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Bronx, New York  10461
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Rochester, Minnesota  55905
Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California  94305-5408
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, District of Columbia  20307-5000
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Tampa, Florida  33612
Emory University Hospital - Atlanta Atlanta, Georgia  30322
University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Chicago, Illinois  60637
Indiana University Cancer Center Indianapolis, Indiana  46202-5265
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa  52242
Johns Hopkins Oncology Center Baltimore, Maryland  21287
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center Worcester, Massachusetts  01655
CCOP - Ann Arbor Regional Ann Arbor, Michigan  48106
University of Minnesota Cancer Center Minneapolis, Minnesota  55455
University of Rochester Cancer Center Rochester, New York  14642
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, UNC Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27599-7295
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Durham, North Carolina  27710
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27157-1082
Ireland Cancer Center Cleveland, Ohio  44106-5065
Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital - Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio  43210
University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104
Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19111
Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina  29425-0721
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, Northwestern University Chicago, Illinois  60611
Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island  02903
CCOP - Missouri Valley Cancer Consortium Omaha, Nebraska  68131
CCOP - Southern Nevada Cancer Research Foundation Las Vegas, Nevada  89106
University of California San Diego Cancer Center La Jolla, California  92093-0658
UCSF Cancer Center and Cancer Research Institute San Francisco, California  94115-0128
CCOP - Christiana Care Health Services Wilmington, Delaware  19899
CCOP - Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach, Florida  33140
Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland  21201
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center - Columbia Columbia, Missouri  65203
Barnes-Jewish Hospital Saint Louis, Missouri  63110
Norris Cotton Cancer Center Lebanon, New Hampshire  03756
CCOP - North Shore University Hospital Manhasset, New York  11030
State University of New York - Upstate Medical University Syracuse, New York  13210
CCOP - Southeast Cancer Control Consortium Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27104-4241
University of Tennessee, Memphis Cancer Center Memphis, Tennessee  38103
MBCCOP - Massey Cancer Center Richmond, Virginia  23298-0037
Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY New York, New York  10029
CCOP - Colorado Cancer Research Program, Inc. Denver, Colorado  80209-5031
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Atlanta (Decatur) Decatur, Georgia  30033
CCOP - Illinois Oncology Research Association Peoria, Illinois  61602
CCOP - Carle Cancer Center Urbana, Illinois  61801
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Indianapolis (Roudebush) Indianapolis, Indiana  46202
CCOP - Iowa Oncology Research Association Des Moines, Iowa  50309-1016
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts  02215
New England Medical Center Hospital Boston, Massachusetts  02111
CCOP - Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, Michigan  49007-3731
CCOP - Metro-Minnesota Saint Louis Park, Minnesota  55416
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - East Orange East Orange, New Jersey  07018-1095
CCOP - Northern New Jersey Hackensack, New Jersey  07601
Hahnemann University Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19102-1192
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15213
CCOP - Duluth Duluth, Minnesota  55805
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Nashville, Tennessee  37232-6838
CCOP - Scottsdale Oncology Program Scottsdale, Arizona  85259-5404
CCOP - Cedar Rapids Oncology Project Cedar Rapids, Iowa  52403-1206
CCOP - Ochsner New Orleans, Louisiana  70121
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Cornell Campus New York, New York  10021
CCOP - Merit Care Hospital Fargo, North Dakota  58122
CCOP - Toledo Community Hospital Oncology Program Toledo, Ohio  43623-3456
CCOP - Sioux Community Cancer Consortium Sioux Falls, South Dakota  57105-1080
NYU School of Medicine's Kaplan Comprehensive Cancer Center New York, New York  10016
Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53226
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Birmingham Birmingham, Alabama  35233
Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope Los Angeles, California  91010
CCOP - Central Illinois Springfield, Illinois  62526
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Albany Albany, New York  12208
CCOP - Columbus Columbus, Ohio  43206
CCOP - MainLine Health Wynnewood, Pennsylvania  19096
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - White River Junction White River Junction, Vermont  05009
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Madison Madison, Wisconsin  53705
University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center Madison, Wisconsin  53792
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Milwaukee (Zablocki) Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53295
CCOP - Evanston Evanston, Illinois  60201
CCOP - Geisinger Clinic and Medical Center Danville, Pennsylvania  17822-2001
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Lakeside Chicago Chicago, Illinois  60611
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - New York New York, New York  10010
CCOP - Marshfield Medical Research and Education Foundation Marshfield, Wisconsin  54449
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts  02115
Lombardi Cancer Center, Georgetown University Washington, District of Columbia  20007
North Shore University Hospital Manhasset, New York  11030
Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center Cleveland, Ohio  44195
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Chicago (Westside Hospital) Chicago, Illinois  60612
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Wichita Wichita, Kansas  67218
MBCCOP - LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Louisiana  70112
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - San Francisco San Francisco, California  94121
CCOP - Syracuse Hematology-Oncology Associates of Central New York, P.C. Syracuse, New York  13217
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15240
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Memphis Memphis, Tennessee  38104
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Richmond Richmond, Virginia  23249
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Miami Miami, Florida  33125
Cancer Institute of New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey  08901
University of Illinois at Chicago Health Sciences Center Chicago, Illinois  60612
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Togus Togus, Maine  04330
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Minneapolis Minneapolis, Minnesota  55417
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Columbia (Truman Memorial) Columbia, Missouri  65201
University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, Nebraska  68198-3330
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Buffalo Buffalo, New York  14215
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Syracuse Syracuse, New York  13210
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Durham Durham, North Carolina  27705
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Palo Alto Palo Alto, California  94304
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio  44106
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Nashville Nashville, Tennessee  37212
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Brooklyn Brooklyn, New York  11209
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Tampa (Haley) Tampa, Florida  33612
CCOP - Sooner State Tulsa, Oklahoma  74136
Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, Massachusetts  02115
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Gainsville Gainesville, Florida  32608-1197
Veterans Affairs Medical Center - Omaha Omaha, Nebraska  68105