Phase I Study of MDR Modulation With PSC-833 (NSC# 648265) With a Pilot Study of Cytogenetic Risk-Adapted Consolidation Followed by a Phase II Pilot Study of Immunotherapy With RIL-2 (NSC # 373364) in Previously Untreated Patients With AML< 60 Years

Phase 1/Phase 2
15 Years
59 Years
Not Enrolling

Thank you

Trial Information

Phase I Study of MDR Modulation With PSC-833 (NSC# 648265) With a Pilot Study of Cytogenetic Risk-Adapted Consolidation Followed by a Phase II Pilot Study of Immunotherapy With RIL-2 (NSC # 373364) in Previously Untreated Patients With AML< 60 Years

OBJECTIVES: I. Determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of daunorubicin when used in
combination with etoposide, cytarabine, and PSC 833 (ADEP), and in combination with
etoposide and cytarabine (ADE) in previously untreated patients with acute myelogenous
leukemia who are less than 60 years. II. Determine the MTD of etoposide when used in
combination with a constant dose of daunorubicin and cytarabine (ADE) in these patients.
III. Determine the feasibility and toxic effects of administering postremission therapy in a
risk adapted fashion, such that patients with favorable cytogenetic findings receive three
intensifications with high dose cytarabine (HiDAC), while average to poor risk patients
receive HiDAC/etoposide/filgrastim (G-CSF) for consolidation therapy and stem cell
mobilization followed by peripheral stem cell (PBSC) transplant using busulfan/etoposide as
the preparative regimen. IV. Determine the feasibility and toxic effects of the
consolidation sequence of HiDAC/etoposide/G-CSF followed by 2 courses of HiDAC in patients
who would otherwise receive PBSC transplant, but are unable to do so for logistical or
institutional reasons. V. Determine the feasibility of intermittent administration of high
dose subcutaneous interleukin-2 (IL-2) in combination with continuous low dose subcutaneous
IL-2 in patients recovering from PBSC transplant or intensive consolidation chemotherapy.

OUTLINE: This is a dose escalation study of daunorubicin in the induction therapy portion,
with a separate dose escalation study of etoposide in the same portion. Patients are treated
with three phases of treatment: induction, intensification, and postremission therapy.
Induction therapy: Patients receive cytarabine IV as a continuous infusion on days 1-7 plus
daunorubicin IV over 30 minutes and etoposide IV over 2 hours on days 1-3 (ADE regimen).
Some patients also receive PSC 833 IV as a continuous infusion on days 1-3 (ADEP regimen).
This course may be repeated 14 days later. Cohorts of 9 patients each receive escalating
doses of daunorubicin until the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is reached. The MTD is defined
as the dose at which 3 of 9 patients experience dose limiting toxicity. Escalations are
conducted separately for the ADE and ADEP regimens. Other cohorts of 9 patients each receive
escalating doses of etoposide with constant doses of daunorubicin in the ADE regimen. The
MTD is described in the same manner. Intensification therapy: Arm I (patients with certain
genetic characteristics in their leukemia cells): Patients receive 3 additional courses of
cytarabine IV over 3 hours, twice a day, for 3 days. Courses are repeated every 28 days. Arm
II (patients who do not have these genetic characteristics): Patients undergo a peripheral
blood stem cell (PBSC) transplant. Patients first receive high dose cytarabine IV over 2
hours on days 1-4, etoposide IV as a continuous infusion on days 1-4, and filgrastim (G-CSF)
subcutaneously beginning on day 5 until blood counts recover. PBSC are then collected.
Approximately 4-6 weeks later, patients receive oral busulfan 4 times a day on days 1-4 and
etoposide IV over 4 hours on day 5. PBSC are reinfused on day 7. G-CSF is administered
subcutaneously beginning on day 7 until blood cell counts recover. Arm III (patients who
cannot undergo a PBSC transplant): Patients receive cytarabine, etoposide, and G-CSF as in
arm II, then high dose cytarabine as in arm I. Postremission therapy (all patients):
Patients receive low dose interleukin-2 (IL-2) by daily injection for 2 weeks. On day 15,
patients begin receiving intermittent high dose IL-2 three days a week. Patients alternate
these courses of IL-2: 14 days of low dose IL-2, 3 days of high dose IL-2, 1 day of rest,
low dose IL-2 for 10 days, then 3 days of high dose IL-2, then 1 day of rest. This course is
repeated 3 times. Patients then receive another 16 day course of low dose IL-2. Patients are
followed at 1 month, then every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 2 years, then
annually thereafter.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: Approximately 410 patients will be accrued into this study within 36

Inclusion Criteria

DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS: Histologically proven acute myelogenous leukemia, except M3

PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS: Age: 15 to 59 Performance status: Not specified Life expectancy:
Not specified Hematopoietic: No prior hematologic malignancy, myeloproliferative disorder,
myelodysplastic syndrome, or paroxysmalnocturnal hemoglobinuria No unexplained cytopenias
greater than 3 months in duration Hepatic: Not specified Renal: Not specified

PRIOR CONCURRENT THERAPY: Biologic therapy: No prior biologic therapy No prior treatment
for leukemia except leukapheresis Chemotherapy: No prior chemotherapy except hydroxyurea
which may be used for emergency therapy of hyperleukocytosis Endocrine therapy: Not
specified Radiotherapy: Prior cranial radiation therapy allowed for CNS leukostasis
Surgery: Not specified

Type of Study:


Study Design:

Allocation: Non-Randomized, Endpoint Classification: Safety/Efficacy Study, Intervention Model: Parallel Assignment, Masking: Open Label, Primary Purpose: Treatment

Principal Investigator

Jonathan E. Kolitz, MD

Investigator Role:

Study Chair

Investigator Affiliation:

Don Monti Comprehensive Cancer Center at North Shore University Hospital


United States: Food and Drug Administration

Study ID:




Start Date:

February 1997

Completion Date:

June 2010

Related Keywords:

  • Leukemia
  • untreated adult acute myeloid leukemia
  • adult acute erythroid leukemia (M6)
  • adult acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation (M1)
  • adult acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (M2)
  • adult acute myelomonocytic leukemia (M4)
  • adult acute monoblastic leukemia (M5a)
  • adult acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (M7)
  • adult acute monocytic leukemia (M5b)
  • adult acute minimally differentiated myeloid leukemia (M0)
  • Leukemia
  • Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute
  • Leukemia, Myeloid



Roswell Park Cancer Institute Buffalo, New York  14263
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York  10021
Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, District of Columbia  20307-5000
University of Chicago Cancer Research Center Chicago, Illinois  60637
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa  52242
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center Worcester, Massachusetts  01655
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, UNC Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27599-7295
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Durham, North Carolina  27710
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27157-1082
Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina  29425-0721
Rhode Island Hospital Providence, Rhode Island  02903
Vermont Cancer Center Burlington, Vermont  05401-3498
CCOP - Southern Nevada Cancer Research Foundation Las Vegas, Nevada  89106
University of California San Diego Cancer Center La Jolla, California  92093-0658
UCSF Cancer Center and Cancer Research Institute San Francisco, California  94115-0128
CCOP - Christiana Care Health Services Wilmington, Delaware  19899
CCOP - Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach, Florida  33140
Marlene & Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center, University of Maryland Baltimore, Maryland  21201
Ellis Fischel Cancer Center - Columbia Columbia, Missouri  65203
Barnes-Jewish Hospital Saint Louis, Missouri  63110
Norris Cotton Cancer Center Lebanon, New Hampshire  03756
CCOP - North Shore University Hospital Manhasset, New York  11030
State University of New York - Upstate Medical University Syracuse, New York  13210
CCOP - Southeast Cancer Control Consortium Winston-Salem, North Carolina  27104-4241
University of Tennessee, Memphis Cancer Center Memphis, Tennessee  38103
MBCCOP - Massey Cancer Center Richmond, Virginia  23298-0037
Mount Sinai Medical Center, NY New York, New York  10029
New York Presbyterian Hospital - Cornell Campus New York, New York  10021
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Boston, Massachusetts  02115
North Shore University Hospital Manhasset, New York  11030
CCOP - Syracuse Hematology-Oncology Associates of Central New York, P.C. Syracuse, New York  13217
University of Illinois at Chicago Health Sciences Center Chicago, Illinois  60612
University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, Nebraska  68198-3330