• Anti-Malignan Antibody Test

    The anti-malignin antibody (AMAS) test is an early-detection tool for many types of cancer. The test recognizes the anti-malignin antibody, a cancer-causing antibody, in human serum. Anti-malignin is benign in most humans but can become more concentrated during cancer’s early stages. The AMAS test was first used to diagnose brain cancer, but is now widely used to detect and diagnose other forms of the disease. The test has found to be approximately 97% accurate in detecting the malignant antibody.

    Where is the AMAS Test Available?

    The AMAS test is available through Oncolab, a Boston, MA-based pharmaceutical company who developed the kit. Patients can order the kit directly from the company prior to scheduling an appointment with their doctor. The patient can have their blood drawn at their doctor’s office or at a local pharmaceutical lab. The test will positively detect cancer, but cannot identify where in the body the cancer was found.

    Anti-Malignan Antibody Test Benefits

    The AMAS test can detect most types of cancer in the very early stage, which allows the patient to begin treatment almost immediately. The test has proven to be over 95% accurate in its usage and the medical community has recognized the AMAS test as an effective screening tool. As a result, the kit is more widely used and available to a larger number of patients.

    Anti-Malignan Antibody Test Risks

    The patient would need to take the test early enough to receive effective treatment. A patient with undetected cancer at Stage II or higher would likely not benefit from the AMAS test. The test does identify which type of cancer the patient has, meaning

    the patient would need to undergo additional testing for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The AMAS test is a screening tool. It is not a form of cancer treatment. Patients with positive test results need to work with their physician to determine the best course of treatment. Although the AMAS test is used more frequently, not all specialists are familiar with it and may discourage the patient from taking it. They may suggest other forms of detection and diagnosis.