• Founded in 1984, Camp Ta-Kum-Ta was established through the efforts of Ted and Debby Kessler to recreate the mind and body healing experiences their son, Todd had received at a cancer camp in New York State. At the very beginning Camp was just a great idea without a name. While in the Pediatric Oncology Unit at the hospital discussing the possibility of a camp where "kids with cancer" can just be "kids", one of the children still too young to attend exclaimed in frustration "but I want a camp to come ta!". The name was perfect, and eventually she did get her "Camp Ta-Kum-Ta". Today, she is one of the many survivors volunteering on staff! Each year Camp Ta-Kum-Ta tries to squeeze in as many life experiences and memories as possible into one magical week. Along with traditional camp activities such as swimming, athletics, ropes course, and arts & crafts, Ta-Kum-Ta offers once-in-a-lifetime opportunities such as rock climbing expeditions, hot-air balloon rides, formal dances, and lake cruises. For 24 years Camp Ta-Kum-Ta took place in August at Camp Hold Cross on the shores of Malletts Bay, Lake Champlain in Colchester, Vermont. In early 2008 the T-K-T Board learned that the facility would no longer be made available as a campsite, and so a search was begun for a new, permanent home. In August of 2008 it was announced that Camp Ta-Kum-Ta would move to the former Willey Farm in the Town of South Hero, Vermont in the Lake Champlain Islands. There, a new camp will be built from scratch.