• Camp Hobé is a special summer camp designed for children with cancer and their siblings, who are often forgotten in the cancer experience. Camp Hobé gives kids the opportunity to participate in camp activities just like healthy children whose families are not affected by cancer. The camp program provides medical and psychosocial supervision to ensure children are safe both mentally and physically during camp. Camp Hobé serves children from the Intermountain area (Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Nevada) or those being treated for cancer at Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. Children (or teens) who have been diagnosed with cancer may attend Camp Hobé while being treated with immunosuppressive therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or immunosuppressants) and for three camp seasons after their final immunosuppressive treatment. The cancer patient’s brothers and sisters may also attend Camp Hobé during this time period. Because we do not wish to turn any cancer patients away, no more than four children may attend from any one family, including the cancer patient (that is, one patient and up to three siblings). Throughout their time at camp, Camp Hobé kids grow in spirit, strength, and understanding. They are allowed to play outside with other children, to discover the joy and freedom of being away from the confines of the hospital, and to temporarily displace the fears that the future holds. This is their chance—sometimes their only chance—to “just be kids” and to escape the grown-up realities they face everyday.