Let us be the first to welcome you to the Know Cancer Community! A place to make friends, find inspiration and share stories! In the coming entries we will introduce you to our friends, our inspiration and our story. My name is Josh Snyder and I am the Founder of Know Cancer, as well as a survivor of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I am fortunate to stand alongside an inspiring group of individuals who are working tirelessly to make this project possible, and are extremely excited to invite YOU to be a part of this world we call Know Cancer. I am privileged to charter one region in this online world…the Know Cancer Blog! We look forward to hearing thoughts from healthcare professionals, feature inspiring stories and highlight community initiatives.
I will also do my part as a survivor to share my experiences and some of the things that have helped me. I believe this is an ingredient in survivorship and an important practice for anyone who has overcome cancer. By giving back we not only get to help others live…we continue to heal ourselves in the process. I’d love to hear your opinion on what you want to see more of here; I am all about some healthy dialogue!
Just to give a little background about myself, I was 21 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. My disease was primarily located in my sternum, lower spine and throughout my bone marrow. I was treated on three separate occasions throughout the last 7 years, including radiation therapy, chemotherapy as well as a stem cell replacement (or what some may call a modern day Bone Marrow Transplant) at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in Miami. Thankfully, my cancer has been in remission for the past 15 months. As a survivor I am exceedingly appreciative for my life, and I will always remember how overwhelming it was when I was first diagnosed. I wanted to take from that experience and create something that would provide others with support and education. This has become my main source of inspiration and motivation for Know Cancer.
In Know Cancer’s pursuit to give back, we have been very fortunate to meet some of the most incredible and selfless individuals. At the beginning of our journey we all knew we were a part of something great but could never have anticipated the tremendous amount of support we’ve received from friends, family, the cancer community and even complete strangers. For this we are extremely humbled and eternally grateful! Each day we become more and more excited to share with you what we have been pouring our hearts and souls into. We know you will love it and cherish it as we do! It is our hope that together we can help each other open our eyes wider to see our options; offer our ears to listen when we express ourselves; provide our shoulders to lean on when we need the support; and to collectively move forward with a heart to heal and a mind to grow.
Welcome to the Know Cancer Blog!