Know Cancer blog

  • The Holistic Approach to Cancer Treatment

    Most people are probably at least somewhat familiar with the more conventional forms of cancer treatment: chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, immunotherapy, etc. However, these conventional approaches do not always serve as the best option available for the cancer patient. In such instances, patients may choose to look for alternative forms of cancer treatment.

    Some people also refer to this as holistic healing, which deals with cancer by attempting to treat the whole person and not just the disease itself. In fact, there are a wide variety of holistic cancer treatment centers located around the United States. Their holistic doctors attempt to induce a state of healing through the nurturing of the patient’s mind, body, and spirit.

    Holistic Cancer Treatment Centers

    Oasis of Healing

    An Oasis of Healing is an alternative cancer treatment center located in Mesa, Arizona. Since 2005, they have been utilizing an integrative approach to holistic medicine. Their doctors have combined knowledge and experience in the treatment of cancer stemming from years in Europe, Japan, Mexico, and the United States.

    Actually, they still maintain these close ties with a number of other healing centers located all over the world. At the core of their healing strategy, is a firm reliance on nature to provide the foundation for the healing process.

    Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine

    One of the best holistic healing centers in the state of Florida is the Center for Natural & Integrative Medicine, located in Orlando. This center specializes in treating a broad range of conditions which often get misdiagnosed: digestive problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies, etc.

    They utilize a number of extensive processes such as intravenous nutrition (various nutrients are administered directly into the patient’s bloodstream) for their cancer patients. This approach to healing will help strengthen the patient’s immune system and thus promote cancer recovery. They also provide their patients with a specialized diet, specifically tailored to meet their body’s needs.

    Gerson Institute

    Over the years, this non-profit organization has become a well-established holistic treatment center in California. This center is dedicated to not only practicing holistic medicine, but also to educating the public about alternative, non-toxic forms of cancer treatment. Their approach to holistic healing is now known as the Gerson Therapy.

    This form of therapy was developed in the 1920’s by Dr. Max Gerson himself. He made use of organic food diets, juicing, whole body detoxification, and other natural supplements in order to activate the body’s natural method of healing itself. The center has seen some incredible success over the last 60 years, as thousands of patients have recovered from devastating and once incurable forms of cancer.

    Natural Horizons Wellness Center

    Located in Fairfax, Virginia, this holistic cancer treatment center has been growing in popularity due to its renowned cancer program. Even among other holistic cancer treatment centers, the Natural Horizons Wellness Center offers their patients an alternative treatment program. Their success has been drawing in new patients from all throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.

    All patients who come to Natural Horizons are given an extensive health evaluation, which will help their staff establish the current state of numerous internal systems. This allows them to more effectively identify and eliminate the underlying factors which are contributing to the cancer. Each patient is given their own unique alternative cancer therapy protocol.