Over the weekend, you may have stumbled across a few headlines that left you scratching your head. Several stories from reputable sources with titles along the lines of “Scientists say sniffing farts could prevent cancer” went viral for obvious reasons. …
It’s certainly not news that dogs have an exceptionally keen sense of smell. We’ve been studying and testing the capabilities of these super noses since we initially seeked to tame the wild wolf. Thousands of years later, we may have …
Some exciting news has broken as specialists may have a new test for breast cancer risk. Unlike other conventional methods, this test isn’t looking for inherited genetic mutations. It’s looking for specific alterations in DNA functions– namely the …
The epidemic of sedentariness is a problem, being made all the more challenging with the advent of tablets and streaming movies that make it even easier to spend countless hours on the ol’ derriere. Studies have already linked this …
If you suddenly start hearing more Canadians saying they’re glad they were circumcised, don’t be too surprised. A new Canadian study has produced data which suggests this ancient practice may actually offer men some protection against prostate cancer.
In the ongoing battle against cancer, specialists have just taken another very important step toward harnessing the full power of the human immune system.
Science journal just published an article which describes the treatment of Melinda Bachini, a 43 …
Researchers have discovered a link between chronic inflammation of the prostate and more aggressive form of prostate cancer. When the body’s immune system is in a constant state of tension or alertness, it can produce this type of …
There is no shortage of advertising and news articles about the health benefits of everything from ginger to green tea, but often claims are based on preliminary or incomplete research findings. Here are four questions to ask yourself when you’re …
This AMAZING TED Talk by Dr. David Agus is just another example of great people making strides in cancer research and prevention. It truly provides hope to all of us that a cure is attainable in our lifetime. Please take …
While cancer is certainly not a new disease, the new generation of tech savvy volunteers building fund raising, forums and awareness for cancer research is. With over 320 million Facebook profiles, 18 million Twitter users, and 35 million LinkedIn professionals, …
Nanoscience and nanotechnology got started in the early 1980’s and if you can believe it, the first use of its concepts was in a talk given by physicist Richard Feynman on December 29, 1959 called “There’s Plenty of Room at …