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  • LIVESTRONG Celebrates 15 Years of Cancer Awareness

    Just 15 years ago, seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong created one of the most important non-profit brands in history, LIVESTRONG. The goal of this organization is to advocate for policies and funding opportunities that benefit cancer research, as well as providing direct services for those individuals who have survived cancer.

    Armstrong is a cancer survivor himself, having been diagnosed with testicular cancer (technically known as embryonal carcinoma) at age 25. SInce founding the organization, LIVESTRONG has contributed over $275 million into various programs that aim to help cancer survivors. Here’s a quick breakdown of how that money is being put back intot the cancer community:

    • $150+ million invested in programs that directly benefit cancer survivors
    • $30+ million towards policies that help fight against cancer
    • $85+ million in the form of awards and grants

    LIVESTRONG’s direct service to cancer survivors includes bilingual patient services for those enduring the emotional, legal, financial and physical challenges that come with cancer. Just last year, the organization provided benefits to over 15,000 survivors. Hopefully these efforts will translate into motivating individuals to do what they can to prevent cancer.

    From the chairman himself, Lance Armstrong states; “Fifteen years ago, we created a foundation to support cancer research. Over time, we realized not enough was being done to help the people and families dealing with the many challenges that accompany cancer. Today, those are the people we serve. I am grateful to everyone who has supported our work on their behalf and I thank you for your continued support.”. Armstrong goes on to say, “The fight against cancer doesn’t just happen in a lab or in a hospital. It happens in our homes, our places of business, our schools and in families who struggle with the impact of a cancer diagnosis,”

    Also, in a recent quote by the CEO of LIVESTRONG, Doug Ulman said, “Today we mark a significant milestone for our Foundation, one we would never have achieved without the steadfast support of cancer survivors around the world. “In 15 years, our mission has evolved from supporting the search for a cure to serving the people and families struggling with cancer and its financial, physical and emotional effects today. I want to thank our partners in the cancer community, our millions of donors and supporters, our Board of Directors and our founder, without whom we would still be thinking of ourselves as victims rather than survivors. Lance Armstrong has devoted his life to serving people affected by cancer. We owe him a great debt of gratitude for his courage and leadership.”

    Here are some highlights of what LIVESTRONG has been able to accomplish in their brief 15 years of existence:

    • Invested close to $70 million in community-centered organizations through their Community Impact Project
    • The launch of the now globally recognized yellow wristband, in partnership with Nike.
    • Generated over $100 million for the LIVESTRONG Foundation, 250 engaged advocates in over 30 countries, and over $30 in advocacy.
    • Created the LIVESTRONG Global Cancer Summit in 2009 which took place in Dublin, Ireland. The Summit produced over 300 commitments towards the battle against cancer across 60 countires, resulting in over $200 in investment funds.

    To learn more about LIVESTRONG, or to see how you can get involved, head over to