Know Cancer blog

  • Know Cancer Partners with Possibility Pictures on its new film Letters to God

    I am very excited to announce Know Cancer’s partnership with Possibility Pictures on their film “Letters to God!” The movie is about a young boy’s battle with cancer who finds strength and hope in writing letters to God. Created by the team who made Facing the Giants and Fireproof (which was voted the #1 independent film of 2008), the movie is destined for greatness. Know Cancer is proud to be the official cancer social network for moviegoers looking for post-movie support. There is a little story to tell about how Know Cancer linked up with the incredible Letters to God (LTG) team.

    It all started about two years ago, when a good friend of mine Trina Harmon (world renowned songwriter and life/music coach) asked me to meet her in Nashville to help write a very special song. The song was for Tyson Beusenbark, a 17 year old boy who at the time was dealing with an exceptionally aggressive form of cancer. He wished for a song that would bring his mother hope in the most difficult times. When we talked to Tyson that day we could feel his strength and the “never give up” attitude pour out of him. After our conversation, Trina, Jason Deere and I wrote his song “Everything is Beautiful,” a song that would help us all to see the beauty beneath the façade of hardship. Looking back, it was undoubtedly one of the most memorable days of my life. Unfortunately, on August 1st 2008…Tyson passed away. His spirit will remain in the hearts and minds of all of us. The LTG Team first heard “Everything is Beautiful” on my MySpace page and thought it would be a great fit for the film. When they showed it to Dave McKenna (LTG’s music producer) he recognized Trina’s name listed on the track. Dave had worked with Trina for many years and was thrilled to learn that she was behind the song. When they spoke, he happened to mention that one of the cancer organizations the movie hoped to team up with was Know Cancer (that’s us!). Trina then told him that the same guy who co-wrote “Everything is Beautiful” (Yours Truly) also co-founded Know Cancer…how bizarre :) As they say…the rest is history!

    I encourage everyone to go see “Letters to God” upon its April 2010 release…regardless of your faith. More than anything it is a story of “hope”…something we always need more of in our lives. On behalf of Know Cancer, it is humbling to work alongside the LTG Team and to aid in the incredible movement behind the movie. Keep checking in for Letters to God updates and join us in helping us spread their message of hope!