This past Sunday, Danielle and I took a journey down to Miami to rock out with my friends from Chai Lifeline at their Young Leadership Event…and what a “trip” it was…literally! Chai Lifeline is a Jewish organization that focuses on enriching the lives of children who have been faced with life threatening diseases like cancer. Since 1987 they’ve been changing lives through programs that deal with the social, financial and emotional needs of children and their families.
The event was held at Bruce Grayson’s Wherehouse 2016; which appropriately is a “warehouse" filled with psychedelic art and strategically placed trinkets. Over 150 Miami locals came out to support and everyone was mesmerized by the eye candy. Since MIA is my home town, I got to hang with some old friends as well as my peeps from Chai Lifeline…big shout out to Ellen, Zisa, Marilyn, Shari and Heidi!!
Anyway, the purpose for the Chai Lifeline Young Leadership Event was to raise money to send sick children to Camp Simcha. A camp located in the mountains of New York that provides kids with an experience they will never forget. For 2 weeks, children that have been on chemo and stuck in hospital beds get to enjoy things like carnivals, dancing, mini-golf, drama, sports, boating, bull fighting and helicopter rides…wait a minute…”bull fighting,” how’d that get in there…sorry, I got carried away! Overall, Camp Simcha creates an environment for kids to share their hopes, fears and dreams. It is a place where they can remember what it’s like to feel normal…to laugh, to live and to build more confidence for their journey ahead.
I had the honor of performing at the event and after my set was over members of the organization held a live auction. People bid on some scrumtulescent pieces of art, jewelry and sports memorabilia…and when all was said and done they raised over $15,000 to send children to camp this year! What a success! Oh, and I can’t forget multi-colored martini's that matched the decor…Mmmmmm! What an amazing organization and what a memorable event they put on! :)
Chai Lifelines’ “Young Leaders” send children to camp!