Know Cancer blog

  • Is Indoor Tanning Worth the Risk?

    Is Indoor Tanning Worth the Risk? Know Cancer Blog

    Surely most people have heard how the regular use of tanning beds can put them at risk for developing skin cancer. Yet, it seems like plenty of women are still flirting with this danger. A new study suggests that …

    July is UV Safety Month

    July is UV Safety Month

    Depending on where you live, July can be one of the hottest months of the year. It is also one of the perfect time to get some more sun, whether it be at the beach, outdoor barbeques, or catching a …

    Fight Breast Cancer the Natural Way

    Combat Breast Cancer the Natural Way


    Among women the world over, there aren’t many things more dreaded than breast cancer. This deadly disease not only takes a significant toll on the patient, but also all of the loved ones in their life. Most women …

    May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

    May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month

    As it stands, skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in the United States, with close to 4 million new cases diagnosed each year! Skin cancer has no preference, it affects people of all colors and ages. …