Know Cancer blog

  • Fight Cancer with the Benefits of Juicing (Recipes)

    Lifestyle Adjustments to Prevent Prostate Cancer

    Tired of being exhausted? Feeling sluggish at work? These are symptoms from the body telling you that your body is lacking important nutrients! In order to gain these nutrients and to know 100% you are getting all the right nutrients you need, a healthy diet must be part of your daily lifestyle.

    We all know that it is very tempting to grab a high carb, fast and easy lunch but you can do this and still get the nutrients you need by up taking a daily habit of juicing! Throw out your food journal and your 2 hour-long recipe books and start filling your grocery carts with organic vegetables and fruits.

    Juicing is the easiest way to get all the nutrients you need quick and easy, and the taste is better than any vegetable cooked. You can juice anything from carrots to butternut squash, zucchini to grapes and any other vegetables you love. Grab some fruits and mix them in too to get a great refreshing taste. Eating right could actually save your life!

    Why juice is better than vitamins and cooked vegetables

    The reason juicing does the body good is because it takes far less digestion than any other food item out there. By having a quick digestive meal, the nutrients will reach into your tissues and expand throughout your body in the matter of minutes. Wait 30 minutes after every juice before eating or drinking anything else besides water and you will feel a jolt of energy higher than any cup of coffee you drink.

    Another great advantage of juicing is that it detoxifies your body. By drinking juice on an everyday level you are constantly releasing your body of any harmful toxins or chemicals that reach your body that shouldn’t be there. Detoxifying will pure your body and give you a great new look through your skin, eyes, hair, blood, energy, and mind.

    This densely packed nutrient cup will also improve your cardiovascular system and heart, decrease your chances of disease (including many types of cancer), and keep your body looking lean and clean! So why not grab a cup now and start juicing!

    Cancer Fighting Juicing Recipes

    Here are a few recipes to get you started. Juicing is easy and any combination can make a great juice, so don’t be entitled to follow the recipes directly.

    (Serving size: 16oz )

    Carrot Blend

    • 3 Large Carrots
    • ½ Cucumber
    • 1 tbs. of Cilantro
    • 1 Apple
    • 2 Celery Stalks
    • 1c Spinach (can trade out other leafy greens such as kale)
    • 1 dime size piece of Ginger
    • ¼ Lemon squeezed

    The Lean Green

    • 2c Spinach
    • 1 tbs. Parsley
    • 1c Kale
    • 1 Carrot
    • 1 Zucchini
    • ½ Cucumber
    • 1 tsp. Spirulina* (microalgae supplement)
    • 1c Wheat grass (If you have a wheat grass juicer add 1tsp wheat grass juice)
    • 1 Apple

    Avocado Heaven


    • 1 Avocado
    • 2 tbs. crushed mint leaves
    • ½ c coconut water
    • 1 apple/ 1 c of strawberries
    • 1c ice

    Blend in blender

    Fruit Booster

    • 1c Strawberries
    • ½c Raspberries
    • ½c Blueberries
    • ¼c Blackberries
    • 1-2 Apples
    • 1 Banana (optional f you want it smoothie like)
    • 1c ice (optional if you want it smoothie like)
    • 1c Almond milk (optional if you want it smoothie like)

    *Spirulina is a blue green microalgae that is used as a nutrient supplement. It is good for the body because it can synthesize high quality concentrated foods and help fight against cancer.

    Don’t waste! Use the scraps!

    Don’t know what to do with the scraps? Start a compost for your garden! Nothing is better for your garden other than pure organic compost. Simply take the scraps mix them with some fresh organic soil and add them into a ventilated bin with a top and you have yourself a quick and easy compost pile. Another great way to use the scraps is to add them into your dog’s food. Simply mix it with some cooked brown rice, butternut squash or sweet potatoes, and some vegetable broth (or chicken). You can also add some raw turkey once or twice a week to give your dog some extra protein. Simply heat up and serve!