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  • Notable Breast Cancer Awareness Events for 2013

    Notable Breast Cancer Awareness Events 2013

    Throughout October, the nation has really come together to show its support through numerous charitable events in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, we thought it might be a great idea to provide our readers with a quick glimpse at some of these nationally recognized events.

    Breast cancer affects many families around the country, so it should come as no surprise that Americans have been so proactive in showing their support and taking steps to get involved in fundraisers and other awareness events during October and the rest of the year. If you have been itching to do something for “Pinktober” here are some great events worth looking into.

    Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

    Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a huge network of awareness events that helps unite nearly 300 communities from around the country in the fight against breast cancer. Each event and walk has been a rousing success held in honor of the people who have fought their own battles with this terrible disease.

    These events also help to raise awareness for better lifestyle habits that can help reduce your risk of breast cancer, and in the process, they have raised significant funds for the American Cancer Society. The money that is donated during Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events help fund new research and grant more women access to mammograms.

    Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure

    The Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure is a 60 mile event that is open to both men and women who are interested in making their own personal contribution to the fight against breast cancer. People who sign up for this event will be walking a combined 60 miles over the course of three days.

    The Susan G. Komen 3 Day walk helps to raise millions of dollars for improved patient support programs and breast cancer research. As a walker, you are going to be experience what can only be described as a unique mobile city comprised of sleeping tents and motivated people. Each night, you’ll get a chance to eat, relax, and collaborate with fellow walkers.

    The Pink Ribbonwalk

    The Pink Ribbonwalk is a fundraising event that is set up by Breast Cancer Care, a fantastic charity from the United Kingdom. They actually help set up a number of walks throughout the year which are open to both men and women of all capabilities. However, participants need to be at least 16 to take part in a Pink Ribbonwalk, and those under 18 will need to be accompanied by an adult for the event.

    The money that is raised during the walks provides Breast Cancer Care with the ability to offer crucial services for breast cancer patients and their families. They do set a minimum sponsorship amount for Pink Ribbonwalks as a way to estimate the total amount that could be raised during the event. These walks are designed to be challenging, so some prior training is recommended.

    Bowl for the Cure

    Bowl for the Cure program is an awareness and fundraising initiative sponsored by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) that runs year-round. The Susan G. Komen foundation has also partnered up with USBC to support this breast cancer initiative. Since it’s beginnings in 2000, the Bowl for the Cure initiative has helped raise more than $10 million with people all over the country rolling strikes in the name of breast cancer awareness.

    With such an impressive turnout from people all over the country getting involved for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s easy to picture America in a shade of pink this October. With a little less than half the month left, keep an eye out for fundraising events happening close where you live.