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  • Benefits of Medical Imaging & Screening for Cancer Patients

    Medical Imaging and Cancer Screening

    The benefits from continued medical imaging and screening for cancer cannot be understated. As many people know, catching cancer at an early stage can mean the difference between life and death. With new improvements in medical imaging and screening, our doctors can now see things that they once missed.

    Medical Imaging

    With new advancements in medical imaging, doctors can make better decisions when it comes to choosing the appropriate cancer treatment. However, medical imaging, taken on its own, is not a treatment. Its true value lies in providing more detailed information about the patient’s condition. These state of the art imaging techniques can help doctors find the cancer, determine how far it has spread, and help guide the delivery of specific cancer treatments to the source. Doctors can even use medical imaging to check on the progress of cancer treatments at a later stage.

    Cancer Screening

    Improved screening tests help doctors uncover cancer at an earlier stage, even before any symptoms have begun to show. As previously mentioned, if abnormal cell growth or cancer is caught early, it can be treated with a higher rate of success. If symptoms have already begun to appear, then the cancer may have already started to spread or metastasize. This can make the cancer much harder to stop or treat. Now remember that just because a doctor suggests a cancer screening for a patient, it does not necessarily mean that they have cancer. This may seem pretty obvious right now, but many people can get easily panicked when this sort of thing occurs. It is important to not go overboard when nothing has been confirmed, because these screening tests are performed when there are no symptoms present.

    Premiere Medical Imaging and Screening Centers


    California Pacific Medical Center

    This place happens to be one of the largest private, not-for-profit, academic medical centers in the state of California. This center has become well renowned for providing a wide range of services including acute, post-acute, outpatient hospital care, at-home care, and hospice services. One of its primary roles is serving as an academic medical center, and California Pacific is a leader in health education.

    This is also one of the best providers of cancer screening tests in the entire country. Their doctors are capable of running screenings for a variety of different cancers including colon cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, oral cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and cervical cancer.

    Detroit Medical Center

    The DMC has had an impeccable service record in terms of providing the best medical care throughout the Metropolitan Detroit area. If you aren’t familiar with Detroit, this city has a rather long history. Incredibly, the first mechanical heart was created at the DMC more than 50 years ago, and that’s not all! The DMC also happens to be a nationwide leader in medical imaging.

    Patients can have a wide range of imaging diagnostics tests performed, and all diagnostics are read over by a team of academic, board-certified radiologists. Their imaging tests include brain scans, MRI scans (brain, cardiac, head, spine, and knee), CAT scans, and X-rays (just to name a few).

    Eisenhower Medical Center

    Eisenhower happens to be the only not-for profit hospital in California’s Coachella Valley. For over 40 years, this medical center has provided high quality care. With a range of state-of-the –art diagnostic, treatment, and emergency facilities, Eisenhower Medical Center has been able to stay on top of the game. Incredibly, their next goal is to become an accredited teaching hospital, which will be taking on new residents in both family and internal medicine next year.

    With all their capabilities, it should not come as a surprise that they have one of the best medical imaging centers in the country. Established in 2004, the Eisenhower Imaging Center is a whopping 15,000 square foot facility which can offer patients the full spectrum of diagnostic imaging services. They have firmly established themselves as a leader in outpatient screening and diagnostic imaging services.

    Jackson Memorial Hospital

    The well-renowned Jackson Memorial Hospital has been a premiere health care provider in Miami for some time now. Initially opened in 1918, this hospital serves as the major teaching hospital for the University of Miami’s Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. This hospital provides an extensive range of patient services and sports more than 1,500 licensed beds. In fact, Jackson Memorial is the third largest public hospital and the third largest teaching hospital in the United States!

    Jackson Memorial also provides top of the line diagnostic imaging for patients at the Roberta Orlen Chaplin Digital Breast Imaging Center. This center has the capability to conduct mammograms, ultrasound and MRI scans. Utilizing the Chaplin Digital Breast Imaging Center’s state-of-the-art equipment, their medical team is able to consistently meet the needs of their breast cancer patients.