Know Cancer blog

  • Welcoming our newest “Expert” Oncologist Dr. Wascher

    Welcoming our newest "Expert" Oncologist Dr. Wascher

    For those of you who are unfamiliar with Know Cancer’s “Ask the Expert” section, you need to take a break from your day and check it out! This section has archives of Q & A from patients, survivors, caregivers and family members – as well as the ability to ask your own question to our on site oncologists and receive an answer without sitting in a waiting room or being poked & prodded!

    At this time we are very excited to welcome our newest oncologist to…Dr. Robert A. Wascher!!!

    Dr. Wascher is a Surgical Oncologist, cancer researcher, professor of surgery, and a widely published author. He has joined us to field questions from YOU our community! So please ask him anything that’s on your mind and if you feel like your question is too personal – just check the box titled “anonymous” and it will be posted anonymously.  Please feel free to read more about Dr. Wascher and learn how his medical expertise can help guide you in your life.

    A lot of you who’ve been part of Know Cancer’s growing community for a while know and trust Dr. Jaggernauth. He is still our primary oncologist, so not to worry, he will still be around to help you and continue the communication you have started. For those of you who don’t know Dr. Jaggernauth, he is a fellowship trained, dual Board Certified Medical Oncologist by the American College of Physicians. He is currently a practicing oncologist at the Cancer Centers of America.  Learn more about Dr. Jag and ask him anything that you wish.

    On behalf of Know Cancer, we thank you for being active participants in the Q & A process! All of your questions through the years have not only provided you with answers, they have helped many other patients, survivors and people indirectly dealing with cancer. We are also so thankful for our experts – as they have dedicated a lot of time to offering free advise to the cancer community.

    Thank you all for being a part of Know Cancer’s “Ask the Expert” section! Although our experts are not a substitute for visiting your regular oncologist – we hope that you continue to utilize their expertise in conjunction with the advice of your doctors.