Profile picture of bunnycat


  • Profile picture of bunnycat
    September 21 2009

    bunnycat posted an update

    The death of Patrick Swayze has me wondering what kind of hell he must have been in just before he died. Pancreatic cancer is painful from what I hear, so I know it must have been bad. I was just recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma, to go with the BCC and SC that I already have. I was able to have them removed at stage II and so far they have not spread to other organs, but I find myself constantly looking at every mark and mole with suspicion because these were on my back and I did not even know they were there until the surgeon noticed them. People please, no matter what color your skin is, use sunscreen and use it liberally. Skin cancer can happen to anyone and it does have the potential to kill just like any other and even though this kind of cancer is on the rise, it appears to be the most easily preventable of all of them. Trust me, a really good tan is just not worth it. So far my cervical cancer has not come back, but girls, please get vaccinated, or use safe sex practices because mine came from the humanpapillomavirus (HPV) so that could be prevented in most cases. It might have been in mine.